A Fictitious Relationship

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Shawn POV

I didn't really have dreams anymore, I just went to sleep and things went black. Then I woke up and hours had passed although it didn't feel like it. Sometimes, when I did have the rare dream, It didn't last long or I just couldn't remember it properly. I gave up on those types of dreams, I attained what I wanted when I became a rapper so that dream was done. Since then I've advanced in business and such but I don't have really dreams anymore, just goals but it's not the same. 

On the rare occasion things would happen that felt like a dream. Today was one of those days, opening my eyes I knew for certain that Beyoncé was no longer in bed. Her body heat wasn't there anymore, and when I turned my head to look at the place she had slept of course she wasn't their. I had imagined our first night being awkward but it wasn't, it was just two people going to sleep in a bed together. Nothing more. Despite the inner desire burning inside me, the want to cuddle her all night and kiss her head. I didn't know what it was but slowly I was becoming more and more attracted to her. Maybe it was just always going to happen because of the position we're in, the fact that we have to pretend we're in love and at some point we'll even fall for it ourselves but in the end it doesn't work out. I couldn't help it though, there was just something. 

I sat up in the bed rubbing my eyes and let the sheets fall off my body when I heard a small cough, I turned my head and looked over at Beyoncé. She was sat on the floor cross legged wearing shorts and a tank top, her hair in a messy ponytail and her face fresh. She had placed a blanket on the floor which she was sitting on looking at me and in front of her were two plates and two glasses with an even taller glass holding some flowers in them. Beside the plates was a big basket which I assumed was full of the food to go on the plates. She bit her lip a little nervously and then spoke, 

"Morning" She said, "I hope you don't mind, I thought we'd have a special breakfast. For the birthday boy" I laughed a little and shook my head, 

"No, I don't mind. I like it" I turned and tossed my feet over the bed and made my way over to the blanket she was sitting on and sat opposite her. 

"I wanted to say thank you" She began, "Last night really helped and I know that the next two weeks are all about your brother and his soon to be wife but I want you to know that in my eyes today is about you. Happy birthday" She giggled and pulled a lighter from a pocket I didn't realise she had before pushing her body up a little and reaching into the basket pulling out a muffin with a candle poking out of the top. She ignited the candle and held it up to my face, "Make a wish" She said. I didn't know what the fuck to wish for, what could be better than this? Breakfast on the floor of a hotel room. Strange but equally pleasing. I closed my eyes and thought hard about what I wanted, I guess I want to make whatever wish she has come true. I blew out the candle and she placed the muffin down on my plate before clapping and laughing some more, 

"So what has the chef prepared for us this fine morning?" I asked her, 

"Well Mr Carter we have a selection of pastries" She pulled the food from the basket along with the orange juice. This wasn't too bad. She paused for a moment and sighed, "I know I haven't known you for more than a week yet but I know that your brother was being malicious when he planned his wedding events, he wanted to over shadow your birthday but you're too good of a man. Besides, I hate him so much I'd celebrate just to piss him off" I laughed harder and then took one of the flowers from the glass making sure to break it to the right length and then placed it behind her ear. 

"Thank you" I told her, she blushed a little and looked away. "You should be used to people complimenting you" She looked up at me with a vulnerability in her features and then whispered, 

"You're not just people" Beyoncé took a moment but then smiled weakly and then sat back a little preparing her breakfast to eat while I did mine. This sure is a breakfast I could get used to. 

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