A fictitious Relationship

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Shawn POV

Entering the Airport I carried both mine and Bey's suit cases while she walked beside me looking down on her phone. She had got an important call from someone in the finance office earlier and she initially felt bad about doing work but I don't her it was okay so she was reading through a bunch of files that she hadn't checked due to being here with me. I looked ahead and saw some family sitting in seats talking between each other, 

"Babe" I called, she looked up at me with a chuckle and then turned to me. She slid her phone into her back pocket and rested her hands on my chest while I let go of the suit cases and placed my hands on her hips. "They're watching" I mumbled to her trying to hide what I was saying so that they wouldn't read my lips, 

"This is the part when we give them a show, Honey" We both chuckled a little at the silly lovey dovey shit we were doing before I leaned down closer to her and placed a kiss on her cheek. I had to say she was a good actress, she giggled and pulled away looking up at me. I hadn't had someone look at me like that in a while, like they're honestly in love with you and they'd do anything for you. watching her look at me like that I desperately wanted it to be true, I know it's fake and that she's not mine but I just want someone to be mine. Someone to really look at me the way she is right now, 

"Sunshine" I called her, 

"Cuddly bear" She replied, we had come on with this disgusting names for each other that we thought were perfectly cringe. "Someone's walking over" She whispered, "Kiss me" She demanded, at first I felt a little uncomfortable kissing her because I didn't want to feel like I was taking advantage of her or the situation but I realised that if we were gonna sell this we were gonna do it 100% and that's what it took. I leaned down and placed my lips on hers, her body stiffened in reply but she soon let loose and pushed her body up against mine wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me in. I couldn't help but get further into it, I mean she's a beautiful woman and I've come to enjoy her company. We heard someone cough and she pulled away shyly before hiding behind me just a little and blushing hard at my mother. Shit she was a good actress. "Oh I'm so sorry, usually we don't show so much PDA but-" Cut herself off and shook her head then then tilted it a little, "Um, may I ask who you are?" She looked up at me and my mother let her eyes trail to me. She couldn't talk, she was completely speechless, yes! 

"Sunshine, this is my mother. Gloria Carter" I stepped away just a little so that she was exposed fully as she gasped before covering her mouth and smiling hard, 

"Oh it's so lovely to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you" Bey put her hand forward and they shook hands, my mother looked from her to me again and then before pulling her eyebrows together and placing her hands on her hips. 

"You're the Beyoncé that my daughter is best friends with?" My mom asked, she wasn't even looking at bey but she was looking at me. 

"Yeah, you should be so proud of her. She's an amazing person, practically my sister" Bey laughed genuinely and my mom kissed her teeth, 

"Wouldn't that make Shawn your brother?" my mom asked, I widened my eyes and Bey's smile dropped as she was unsure of what to say. 

"Mom?" I asked, "Were not related, she's my girlfriend and my sisters best friend. She's not done anything wrong so don't be so hostile" My mom rolled her eyes and then looked at Bey again, she turned away not saying anything and bey looked at me sadly,

"She doesn't like me" She let her head fall sadly and I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, 

"She doesn't like anyone at first, she'll like you by tomorrow. Trust me" She laughed and looked up at me placing a peck on my cheek and I hugged her tighter. I didn't know if anyone was watching but, we gotta pretend. No harm in that.  "You're a good actress" I told her, 

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