A Fictitious Relationship

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    Beyoncé POV

Sitting across from my father I wiped the palm of my hands along the fabric of my dress to remove some off it's sweat as the pair continued to question me into a nervous breakdown. In reply to all of their words I blurted out, 

"When you're socially awkward, you're isolated more than usual, and when you're isolated more than usual, your creativity is less compromised by what has already been said and done. All your hope in life starts to depend on your craft, so you try to perfect it. One reason I stay isolated more than the average person is to keep my creativity as fierce as possible. Being the odd one out may have its temporary disadvantages, but more importantly, it has its permanent advantages." Solange slowly turned her head away from her son and toward me with a confused look on her petty face, I chuckled nervously hoping that the way I spoke would throw them off enough to not want to push the subject any father but my father wasn't having it. 

"But you're not socially awkward" He pointed out, my mother nodded her head in agreement and I sighed, Why did they choose to be on the same side now of all times? It wasn't fair, they were always arguing and couldn't stand each other but when they're killing their children they're fine. It's so silly. 

"I didn't say I was, I said that a socially awkward is more isolated than usual and the affect this isolation has on their creativity- an affect I like to mimic within myself by having smaller friendship groups" At this age you'd think they'd let all of this go by now. They'd stop telling me to go out and have fun, they'd stop telling me about who I should be friends with and exactly how many friends I should have. It's silly. 

"Smaller friendship groups? You talk to the people you work with and have maybe three friends outside of that. Nicki, LaLa and Alicia" Solange chuckled to herself and I rolled my eyes looking away form her then at my parents Ignoring her comment, 

"Besides, Once you start integrating yourself into the world, you realise that people are nasty, mean creatures. They're worse than zombies. People try to crush your soul and destroy your happiness, but zombies just want to have a little nibble of your brain." I sighed and let my head fall away from their eyes when Solange rubbed my back a bit and smiled at me, 

"You gotta get over him Bey" She whispered to me, we all knew that there were a few people watching us trying to find out some news about my personal life as they always did. I never really thought of myself as a celebrity but I guess it's all gotten to a stage whee I've become a household name and so they can't help but want to know what my life- besides work- is like. I've been asked in interviews about work out routines and beauty routines and if I'm in a relationship and of course I never say much but that doesn't stop anyone from wondering. "He wasn't shit and you know it" I chuckled a little when my mother gasped, 

"Solange! Language" She called out, Solange threw her hands up in surrender before looking back at me with a roll of her eyes. "Look, I need to leave to meet Richard. It was nice having dinner with you all but I've got plans with my husband" She glanced down at my father when Solange and I simultaneously took a sip of our drinks and he fake smiled at her, 

"The same goes for me, Alexandra will be back at the Hotel waiting for me" He stood up causing Solange and I to stand too giving the two of then their hugs before they kissed Julez and left the two of us alone. 

"So tell me the truth" She turned to me and I shrugged, "I know you don't give a shit about any of that gobble-dee-goop you spat out to those two. Why don't you have a man?" She asked with a laugh, I paused for a moment and thought about it. I guess it wouldn't really be a lie...

"I do have a man and he's very nice, he's perfect and he's helping me in a lot of ways." I nodded my head trying to make myself believe this when she squinted her eyes at me, "It's true, his name is..." I forgot his name already! "Shawn" I said, I think that was it. It must have been. "He's tall and black and very hansom, he likes food and sleep and he uses the toilet" Everyone uses the toilet so I'm not really lying at all am I? Gosh I'm just as bad as he is. 

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