A fictitious Relationship

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Beyoncé  POV 

Jay-Z has confidence in himself. Not arrogance, but confidence. People like confident people and they like to be around confident people. A confident person is sure of himself, no matter how he looks, which has the ironic effect of making him more appealing. We've only been talking for what 10 minutes or so and I looked at him - of course having seen him on TVs and such before- wondering why he looked better in person. He wasn't the most hansom man... until he started talking and all of a sudden attraction oozed out of him. Another outstanding trait of Jay-Z's is creativity. The creative person challenges themselves and others to think of the world to think in new, original ways. Others can't wait to see what the creative person will think or do next; they are allured by their intelligence of thought and expression. Who doesn't love a fun person? Jay-Z appears to be a person who is fun to be around. Others get the sense that life will never be dull when he's around. It's hard to not be attracted to someone who brings colour, laughter, and entertainment. It's hard not to like him. It's hard to feel any sort of anger or hatred toward him at all, he's the type of person you want to be your best friend and I must admit I was scared as hell on the way here. I assumed he was one of those who belittled women, who were intimidated by a strong woman, who liked to control other people and was disrespectful but the surprise was pleasant. Bearing such in mind I looked at him as he sat on the couch opposite me and asked, 

"You don't seem like the type to repel a woman, so why do you not have a girlfriend?" He laughed a little to himself and licked his lips, others would have asked the same. 

"Why don't you have a boyfriend?" He leaned forward in his chair and I looked away from him, "I think we're pretty similar" He observed but I shook my head fast, 

"No we're not, I could get a boyfriend If I wanted. Very easily in fact" He nodded slowly in agreement then reached out on to the table and picked up his glass of water taking a quick sip, "You seem almost incapable of getting a girlfriend" After I spoke I realised those probably weren't the best words to have said but before I could try to justify myself he replied, 

"I'm not in to short pointless relationships, I'm a grown man and I'm getting to an age where I want to get married and it's hard to find a wife when the women you're around and fans throwing their panties at you" Feeling a little awkward I decided to change the subject of conversation and asked, 

"So tell me about your name" He sat back in his seat with his legs open, he was wearing baggy jeans and a black top with a gold chain around his neck and some sort of expensive watch on his wrist. 

"Well when I was born my mother named me Shawn because it was her right" He smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile a little too, he knows that's not what I meant. 

"And then what happened?" I asked hoping to find out where 'Jay-Z' came from, 

"People started calling me it" He looked at me in all seriousness and I busted out laughing, I don't know why I found that comment so funny but I just did. He's a funny guy, he's no where near as bad as I thought he'd be. 

"What about your name?" He asked, 

"Same here, my mothers maiden name was Beyincé, she just changed the 'I' to an 'O' and got Beyoncé." I pulled down my skirt a little bit realising I was showing off a bit too my thigh when he admitted something to me, 

"When Annie told me about you I did get my assistant to buy your biography, I finished reading it this morning so I know where your name's from but I'm just trying to be polite" He laughed a little and I rolled my eyes, 

"I hate that Biography, I didn't want people to know my personal life and then my dad goes and get's someone to write a bio. It's crazy" Jay-Z nodded his head and then looked down at his watch. "So, I guess we should come up with a back story. Just in case anyone asks" I proposed, 

"Yes, I did plan one but you can make any changes you like" I nodded and leaned forward toward him to hear the plan a little better, "Last year I came to Houston to visit Annie, it was around February" He began, 

"Yeah, I remember she took the week off work" I included, 

"Well during that week she introduced me to you" He smiled and I smiled too, "She invited you and I to a valentines day special at the Jazz resturant with her and her ex-boyfriend which is where we exchanged numbers after hitting it off straight away. We were talking for a year or so and then last April I asked you to be my girlfriend and you said yes." He concluded, 

"We've kept our relationship private to avoid celebrity scandals and such" I added, he agreed and then we shook hands sealing the deal. "Our anniversary is April 4th" 

"So that makes my Birthday our 8 month anniversary, yay!" He yelled sarcastically and I laughed before noticing something, 

"Your birthday is December 4th? Your brother made his wedding during your birthday?" Man! They were right he really is a dick head, shit. Who does that to their brother, That's not cool. 

"That's Erik" He sighed before looking at his watch again, "It's getting late and I'm pretty sure when Annie said she was using the toilet she just went to bed" He laughed and I laughed too, "You can stay here if you'd like instead of going back to the hotel, I have more than enough guest rooms and it will make our getting to know you process a lot easier. I'll have someone bring your bags and we'll go to the airport together tomorrow" He offered, I was hesitant to accept his offer but I realised that I was about to spend 2 whole weeks with this man so I might as well get used to him, 

"Sure, I'm actually a little hungry. Do you have anything to eat?" I asked him, He smiled brightly and rubbed his hands together. 

"I read somewhere that you like fried chicken, and soooo" He trailed off and I grinned hard laughing a little bit. "There's some friend chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy and biscuits in the kitchen. Eat them before Annie finds them" I nodded my head and stood up following him to the kitchen, 

"You're not a bad guy" I told him, 

"Thanks, you're not a bad woman" He opened the fridge and pulled out the food before placing it in the microwave to heat up, "I have a proposition for you" He began, "You teach me something mind blowing and I'll teach you to rap." I laughed really hard and shook my head, 

"I don't want to rap, I'm fine with my test tubes and particle accelerators " He shrugged before taking the food from the microwave and placing it on the table where I sat down and he handed my a knife and fork for me to eat, 

"Your loss" He shrugged. 

- Sooo I updated! I'm sorry for any mistakes Y'all. 

I'm warning you now that they currently have no attraction beyond friendship toward each other and it's going to stay like that for a while but it's your job to pick up when they start actually getting feelings for each other. 

1) So Bey and Jay are getting along, most of you thought they wouldn't but I didn't want to the book to be so predictable- trust me a lot is going to happen that you would never guess. What do we think of their current relationship?

2) What do we think of Jay?

3) What do we think of Bey?

4) How might they help one and other? (Not including the fake boyfriend girlfriend thing) 

5) Will they be able to pull this off?

6) Any comments at all!

7) What do you want to see next?

8) Which book do you want another update for...

Mr and Mrs Carter

A Fictitious Relationship 


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