A Fictitious Relationship

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Beyoncé POV

Anger poured from my body and I thought about the life Naomi was about to be subjected to. This wasn't fair, it wasn't right. I looked over at Jay and sighed while he continued to rub his temples and close his eyes. 

"Jay" I called over, he didn't bother look up at me so I called him again, "Jay" I said. He finally looked up and gave a face to say. 'what now?' which is what I guessed he was thinking. "Look, I don't know what's wrong with you or your family but you can't let this marriage happen" He threw his hands up angrily then yelled, 

"You think I don't know that?" He had never raised his voice at me before and I had to admit it was shocking. "I don't want the woman with him, he's a piece of shit and I know that. We all know that their wedding is bull shit but if it doesn't happen then we're all fucked" She stood up from the bed and went to walk past me probably out of the room but I grabbed him and made him face me, 

"Then why are you telling me to stop?" I asked him, "Why are you telling me to leave it alone, I can't do that" He placed one hand on my cheek and then let it fall. 

"You wouldn't get it" He went to walk again but I stopped him once again and he stared at me. "If She doesn't marry him then her sister is going to die, everything she owns is his, everything her family owns is his and unless she goes through with this wedding she looses everything. After they're married there's a way to sort that all out but before, she just can't do it. She needs to marry him, for her own sake" I gasped and pulled my hand over my mouth. I didn't understand how anyone could possibly treat someone so badly, it was horrible. Disgusting. 

"Shawn" I whispered, "Why is he doing this to her?" I looked up at him with wet eyes, scared of what he might say. He took my hands in his and looked into my eyes, 

"I really don't know. Maybe he's doing all of this because he's lonely, because he's never really had a family who loved him, because he's possessive. Who knows, in my eyes he's just a horrible person and he stops at nothing to get what he wants" I nodded my head slowly and thought about what kind of person was able to even think the way that Erik did. 

"You're not anything like him, you know" He smiled at me and nodded and so I gripped his hand a little tighter and told him honestly, "I mean it. I trust you would never treat anyone the way he does" He leaned down and kissed my lips softly. 

"We should get some sleep" He pointed out. "Big day tomorrow" He reminded, I nodded and then climbed into the bed beside him ready to fall asleep. 


The wedding hadn't started yet and no one knew why. Everyone was in their seats and positions. This was a huge wedding with over  300 or so people- I wasn't very fond of it- and everything was beautiful but there was no sign of the wedding continuing at all. Erik was fuming, standing at the front giving me evil glances every now and then. I turned to Carter and whispered, 

"What's going on?" I asked, 

"I know just as much as you do" He began looking around and soon his eyes landed on his mother who looked at him with sad apologetic eyes and then he looked over at Erik who mumbled curse words under his breath. "I don't think she's coming" He whispered back to me. I gasped again and began looking around curiously wen the doors flew open and Nicki came running down the isle and stood in front of Erik and whispered something to him. Whatever it was that she said made him go crazy because he began screaming and smashing things left right and centre full of fury and vengeance. 

"This is your fault!" He yelled at me, 

"You ought to use a better tone when talking to me" I gritted through my teeth. Shawn pulled me again and pushed me behind him. 

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