A Fictitious Relationship.

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Naomi, Shawn and Beyoncé sat at one of the tables in the hotel resturant. At this time in the night there weren't that many people around them but they were accompanied by the soothing sound of the piano in the background and dim mellow lights. 

"I'm sorry for turning up like this" Naomi began, she had been apologising since Beyoncé opened the door for her and they told her that she really didn't need to worry about it. They were just happy she was safe. They looked at her as if to tell her once again to stop saying she's sorry so she replied with, "I know I Know, I just want you to understand how much I appreciate you." Shawn smiled down at Beyoncé who chuckled and then looked at Naomi. 

"It's fine, really." She began, "Why did you come back?" Beyoncé reached across the table and took Naomi's hands in hers. 

"I wanted to spend time alone when I left and I realised that I needed my parents. I came back for them, I hoped we could catch a flight home together. Ya know?" Naomi explained, "I just had to see you, to thank you for everything. It's been so hard with Erik and I finally feel like I'm free." Carter smiled comfortingly at her so she smiled back. 

"Yep, that's what we all said when he left home" he joked and the three of them laughed together before Naomi stopped laughing and looked at him sadly, 

"I know he's your brother but I hate him" She admitted, "He beat me, he raped me, he threatened me. I have to press charges against him when I get home. I'm sorry. " Beyoncé understood exactly how Naomi felt, she had been in the same position with lyn and knew that it was so hard to love yourself after someone has treated you so badly. 

"I'm happy that you are, he can't get away with this." Shawn said as he pulled Beyoncé closed to him as if to reassure her that he would never treat her like that. "If you need any help at all, I'll be here. Financial, mental and if you just need a hug. " He told her but she shook her head at him, 

"No, I want to start from scratch. I'm still a model you know, I'll be fine. Thanks for the offer though" They looked at her with a smile and were proud that she was being so strong. "Hey, the rest of this trip is paid for, why don't you two have a couples weekend?" She smirked between the couple and then laughed as they shook their heads. 

"I think I'm ready to go home." Beyoncé admitted, 

"Me too. We had better hurry up before something else happens" The three sighed at the thought of how hectic the last week or so had been and then looked between each other with soft eyes. "It's not likely I'm gonna forget any of this shit" Shawn mumbled. "I'm gonna get one of my assistants to book a private jet so we can get home" He told Beyoncé, "You wanna come on the jet or are you happy?" Naomi thought about it and shook her head again, 

"I'm fine, thanks." She looked between the two of them happily and then looked around the hotel with a smile, "I've always hated big weddings" She told them. "It makes me feel like an attention seeker or a bragger." Beyoncé nodded, knowing that when it came to relationships like her's it was so hard to voice your opinion on anything. It was hard because the consequences were merciless and that was the most frightening thing in the world. "I had better get going. Thank you" She stood up and hugged the two before walking away and leaving them in the resturant together with sympathetic faces. 

"Do you think she's going to be okay?" Beyoncé asked Shawn, 

"Yeah, I have faith in her." He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her body in to his. "When we get home, what's going to happen?" He asked her. 

"What do you mean?" She replied even though she knew exactly what he was talking about. 

"We live in different states, we've never really been on a date or had a real relationship with each other. Would you like for us to still talk or is this it?" She placed her hand on his cheek and smiled, 

"Are you stupid?" She kissed his lips gently and then pulled away, "I couldn't leave you all alone in New York could I? Besides, I've been wanting a change of scenery." The two laughed and he pulled her in for a hug which the two lingered in for a while. 


"Bey!" Nicki called as she walked around Beyoncé's new home. "Where are my shoes? I can't find them!" Nicki had a skill, that skill was loosing things that would never be retrieved again. "Bey-" She began to yell but she was interrupted by her best friend walking into the living room brushing her hands over her outfit. 

"Do I look okay?" Beyoncé asked her, 

"Jay's gonna love it" Nicki smirked as she looked at her with a smile

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"Jay's gonna love it" Nicki smirked as she looked at her with a smile. "You look beautiful" Beyoncé hugged her best friend and then picked up the last of her things ready to meet Shawn for what seemed like the millionth date since they returned from the almost-wedding. 

"I'll see you tomorrow Nick" Beyoncé said as she kissed her friends cheek and began leaving the house. 

"I know what that means! I'll see you in a week!" Nicki joked. Last time Beyoncé had said she'd see her the next day, Nicki stayed in her house for the next three days and not once did she show. Then when she finally went to her brother's house she found the two of them there. It wasn't a pretty sight. 

"Bye you whore!"Beyoncé ran out of the house and to her car where she climbed in and began driving reading to meet Shawn again. 


"No" Shawn said sternly, "That's not true, you're the one who told your parents you had a boyfriend" He reminded her with a laugh 

"You lied first!" Beyoncé told him. She didn't want to yell at him in the middle of the restaurant but this wasn't an argument, it was more of a friendly discussion about who lied the most. Within two days of returning home, Erik told the whole family about his brother and Beyoncé. Of course they were all shocked and angry at Shawn for lying but when they all realised that the two had formed a real relationship, it didn't really effect them too much. Erik was pissed as hell though, but that was before he went to jail. 

"Well it doesn't matter who lied" He smirked at her and she smiled brightly at him, 

"Really? Why?" Shawn reached his hands forward and took her smaller ones in his. 

"Because I want you to be my girlfriend, for real." He looked at her with a hopeful expression so she rolled her eyes and leaned forward across the table leaving a delicate kiss on his lips, 

"It took you long enough to ask" She whispered to him. 

"We've been in a relationship this whole time" He defended sarcastically, 

"A fictitious one"His girlfriend reminded him, 

"Well, it's real now." They held hands and gazed into each others eyes. 



-This wasn't one of the most popular or well written stories but I'm really grateful that you guys read it. I hope you enjoyed it. Personally, I think this is a good, quick book for someone to read if they can't find anything on wattpad (we're really running out of good books) and I just like the idea of it being completed for anyone who wants to read it and all that. I might go back and edit every now and then because there are quite a few typos, so if this story comes up in your notifications I'm just warning you now that it's not an update. Thank you- again- for reading, I hope you're enjoying all of my books (got quite a few, the earlier ones are written SOOOO badly but they have a decent story line if the quality doesn't bother you too much) and have a great day! Love ya. 

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