A Fictitious Relationship

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Beyoncé POV

NO! No No No No No! Don't be stupid! STOP! 

This couldn't be happening. No. This can't happen. 

I threw my body on to the bed and let my head fall into my hands before I pulled at my air. STUPID STUPID STUPID! I yelled at myself. 

Everything was going wrong, this wasn't supposed to happen, it wasn't supposed to end up like this. I had it all planned in my head, there was a checklist of things and this wasn't on the checklist. I couldn't even think properly but before I knew it I had done it already and I know he'll be coming out of the shower soon. In a hurry I quickly looked through the tops Shawn had given me and found one long enough to cover as much of the lingerie as possible. I don't even know why I put it on! 

That's a lie. 

I knew why I put it on. Shawn turned me on, his dick, his lips, his voice, everything had begun turning me on and it started with me thinking about his inviting me to the shower. Then I thought about him in the shower. Then I thought about up in the shower and it all evolved from there. My body went crazy! It's not my fault, I couldn't help it. Gosh it was such a good thought but so naughty. Maybe a little too naughty. In no time I had stripped off my clothes and seriously considered joining him in the shower but I talked myself out of it reminding myself that he was probably joking and that I've only known him for a few days and couldn't imagine him thinking I was a hoe or something. But I was so horny and I needed him so bad that for some reason I thought that putting on this silly lingerie would have some effect on him when we came back out. Maybe he'd give me one look and practically rip it off my body. Now I just feel silly. 

I know it's not going to happen. We're just friends! I know we're just friends. We'e nothing more and I blame all of this to the fact that I haven't had sex in so long. My clit is begging for attention. He doesn't even look at me like that because we don't want each other. I just want some dick. 

I laid down on the bed and rubbed my head trying to get the dirty thoughts out of my mind when the bathroom door opened and he walked out in his boxers and a top in his hands, he didn't look at me but instead down at the top he was prepping to put on. He still looked a little wet, he looked sexy. I bit my lip and pulled my knees up to my chest hoping that would help with the burning I could feel building deep within me. He placed the top over his head and looked at me and then raised his eyebrows a little at my legs. I looked down and pushed my legs down pulling the top down with them after realising he was looking at the lace suspenders and then  laughed a little awkwardly. 

"Sorry" I began, "Nicki packed and..." I trailed off before jumping off the bed and rambling on, "Um I can get changed if it makes you uncomfortable it's just that it can take a photon 40,000 years to travel from the core of the sun to its surface, but only 8 minutes to travel the rest of the way to Earth" I bit my lip realising I had blurted out a silly fact he probably didn't care about because I was so nervous. 

"No" He laughed, "It's fine, if that's what you have then wear it. It's not troubling me" He walked over to the bed and sat down so I sat beside him and rested my hands in my lap still a little uncomfortable. Why the fuck am I wearing this. "If you don't mind me asking" He began, "What are you wearing under that?" I raised my eyebrow and looked at him. Shit. He looked up at me with lust in his eyes. Don't have sex with him! 

"Oh nothing really" I chuckled but then realised that was the wrong thing to say, "No! I mean, I'm wearing Lingerie but it's not a big deal. I mean, it's just something boring that I can sleep in" He nodded his head a little slower than usual before looking over at the phone and then back at me, 

"I'm gonna order room service, you want anything?" I could tell he was just changing the subject which I appreciated a lot, 

"Oh no thanks" I gave one of those bashful smiled and he picked up the phone before rolling his eyes and looking at me, 

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