A Fictitious Relationship

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Shawn and Beyoncé to leave in the morning. Nicki had said that they wouldn't find Naomi in the middle of the night because she'd just be in some motel and there was no way they'd be able to find the right one while it was dark. They'd all be tired and barely able to pay enough attention so they'd wait until the morning and tell everyone that they were leaving and then leave. It seemed the best idea but of course neither Beyoncé or Shawn could get any sleep. They were both worried about her and were scared that she'd be in a bad state when they found her, they didn't thin they'd know how to handle that at all. 

"Oh God" Beyoncé whispered, "I just want her to be okay." The two strolled hand in hand down the hall of the hotel room. She didn't really think Shawn should be walking around in his condition but he wouldn't let her be alone and knew that they needed to blow off some steam so going for a little walk around the hotel didn't seem to bad. It looked like everyone else was asleep, the way that no light shone from beneath doors and the hallways were all dim. No room service bobbing around, no life at all. Just the two of them. That's how they liked it. 

"I know" He told her, "But you'll make yourself sick if you keep worrying the way you are" He took her hands in his and they both paused in the middle of the hall. "We couldn't have that now could we?" He asked her as he leaned forward and pushed her backward gently so that she rested on the wall. The two laughed as he towered over her and she rolled her eyes, 

"Scientifically-" She began but he cut her off, 

"I overrule science" He told her with a slight smirk, "I'm the almighty power" He winked and she laughed again as the two tried to be quiet so that they wouldn't wake anyone in the rooms around them, 

"You're so silly" She told him with a light smile, 

"You love it" He replied as he leaned in close and placed a soft kiss on her lips. She smiled into the kiss and felt her heart beat hard. She tried not to let him see how much his kisses affected her but he could see right through her, "You're blushing" she poked and her stomach and she laughed. 

"Shut up" She told him, "This is a fake relationship so they're fake blushes" The two laughed and Erik raised his eyebrows as he eavesdropped around the corner. "This is all an act for you crazy ass family" She laughed and he laughed too before he gasped and placed his hand over his heart, 

"Really? Because I think you've been a pretty good actress in private too" He leaned in and began kissing on her neck causing soft moans to escape her tender lips. 

"Mmm" She moaned, "Maybe we should get back to our room. That way I won't have to pretend that I'm enjoying this just in case family comes around the corner." She pushed him off and looked up at him, 

"Oh really?" He asked her, "Well I know yo ass won't be pretending and I know you're not now. Cut the act Miss Knowles." The two laughed again and then she whispered to him, 

"Isn't that what I'm here for?" He took her hand and began walking back to their room while Erik stood around the corner with a smug look on his face. He was happy that his brother- once again- seemed to have fallen short. Erik always had to be the better one and even when his wife had run away his relationship was better than a fake one. 


"I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something bad happened to her" Beyoncé began, "especially when I know that I can help" The family all looked between themselves and nodded slowly, 

"Sweetie, you don't know where she is" Gloria pointed out, no one really wanted the three of them to run around looking for Naomi but something had to be done. 

"Mom" Nicki begged, "We've got a rough idea and for me that's enough." Gloria placed her hand on Nicki's cheek and smiled softly before looking at Shawn with stern features. "I would tell you to look after them but it looks like you can't even look after yourself" She didn't know what had happened to her son and really she didn't care. All she cared about what the fact that he was alive and safe. 

A Fictitious RelationshipWhere stories live. Discover now