A Fictitious Relationship

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Shawn POV  

There were a lot of people in the world of whom I didn't care about. There were a lot of people who were never born and I didn't care about. There are a lot of people yet to be born and I don't particularly care about a whole bunch of them either. 

That wasn't because I was mean, or negative or simply selfish but because my care and consideration meant a lot to me. Some people cared about human being as a whole and that was admirable of course and I too had a strong bond to my fellow man that made me want to set an example, made me feel pain when injustice was served, made me want to better communities and contribute to charity. My point, however, is that my honest care was harder to achieve. If you wanted me to jump in front of a bullet for you then you'd have to be pretty special. I could be hurt by anyone being shot but I wouldn't put myself in just anyone's place instead. 

Usually these bonds took a lifetime to construct or years to perfect but with Beyoncé it all came so naturally. That wasn't particularly frightening but exciting instead. I wanted to understand the way her brain worked, I wanted to reach into the depths of her mind, I wanted to appreciate every thought she ever had and cherish it because she excited me in a way I hadn't been excited in a long time. 

Today would be our last day in Paris. All of the couples had decided this day would be reserved for that special person in our lives and I of course wanted it to be perfect for her. She had been thinking a lot lately, about Naomi and Erik, trying to figure this all out and I had told her a million times that it's probably all Naomi said and nothing more but she disagrees. She thought it was so strange that everyone would tell her to stop asking these questions and act as if the marriage between the two was normal when it so clearly wasn't. I didn't know anything but I did have a feeling there was more to the story, something that we didn't know. Something only we didn't know but everyone else did. 

I had decided to take her to a resort for the day and we'd meet everyone back at the hotel tomorrow when we're leaving. I figured she'd like some hiking and then spending the night in a cabin, rather than spending the day in the Hotel room and the night in the Hotel room until it was time to leave. That was far too boring. 

Sitting in the car next to her it was very early in the morning but we had to leave early in order to get there on time and actually do any hiking. She was already wrapped up in the thickest winter clothing imaginable and I laughed a little. She kind of looked like a blob sitting next to me asleep. I reached over and placed a kiss on her lips causing her to move around a little. I saw the driver look back at us and smile so I smiled and him, 

"You two are cute" He said in a thick french accent, 

"Thank you" I replied, 

"Is she your wife?" I laughed a little and then looked down at her shaking my head, 

"No, not yet" He nodded his head and then shrugged a little, 

"I knew my wife for three days before I asked her to marry me" He began, I raised my eyebrows in shock and he continued, "She said no" I laughed hard enough for Beyoncé to wake up and glare at me with evil eyes causing the driver to chuckle. "That's what she looked like when I asked her. " I laughed again and Bey looked between the two of us confused, "I asked every day for the next month until I got tired of asking and just put the ring on her finger while she was asleep, then in the morning she had no choice but to marry me" I laughed too and Bey laughed a little confused but still finding the story rather entertaining, "We ran away together and got married that day and we've been together for 30 years now" He pulled out his wallet and handed it back to me showing me a picture of his wife and him, "Her name is Cilvie" Bey smiled down at the picture before looking up at him, 

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