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I stood up from my seat, my completed essay in hand. "Mr. Hood, I finished the assignment." I said quietly, making sure not to disrupt the rest of the class, standing in front of his desk.

He looked up at me from grading separate papers on his desk, "Thank you, Ms. Carter." He smiled, "I'm looking forward to reading it." He took the paper from my hand and set it at the top of his pile.

I smiled at his comment and headed back to my seat. I looked out my notebook and began sketching, something I have always loved to do in my free time. As I spent the rest of the hour doodling in my notebook, other students turned their extra into Mr. Hood.

Nearly every female in the classroom made some attempt at flirting with him. Of course, there isn't an issue with that. It was simply odd. But as each of them tried to catch his attention, Mr. Hood wasn't affected. Or at least he didn't show it.

Now, don't get me wrong. Of course Mr. Hood was attractive. Very attractive. I myself had a small schoolgirl crush on him. But I didn't understand the purpose of throwing yourself at him when nothing was allowed to happen between a student and teacher. But, of course, the girls still did. One more so than the others, Brynn McCann. The most well known human being in the entire city I might just say.

She regularly tried to catch his attention by showing off her body. Not that there is any issue with it, but the action got the attention of everyone else in the room but him. Yet she continuously tried. Her persistence was quite impressive, though.

The bell finally rang, dismissing us from class and allowing us to go home as it was the last hour of the day. As I was getting my stuff together I heard Mr. Hood's voice, "Ms. Carter, can you please come here."

I perked my head up, noticing everyone else in the classroom had filed out, "Yes, Sir." I said as I stood and walked to his desk, adjusting my skirt that had hiked up.

"I read through your paper, and it was outstanding. As usual. I loved your perspective, and everything was incredibly well thought-out and put together." He complimented, causing my cheeks to flush a bright red.

"Thank you, Sir. That means a lot." I said.

He grinned at me and stood up from his seat, his 6 foot 1 frame towering over my 5 foot 8 body. "I was wondering if you'd be willing to tutor some students after school?"

I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, "I could probably help out with that." I nodded, clutching my book up to my chest.

Mr. Hood subtly bit his lip and nodded his head as well, "Great. How does tomorrow after school sound for planning your schedule? It won't be for much. Only until the semester ends and we can get the students personal tutors."

"That sounds perfect, Sir." I smiled up at him. Considering the semester ended in a few weeks, I knew this wouldn't be such a big deal.

"Thank you, Annabeth. I knew I could count on you." He dropped his eye into a wink and chuckled as he sat on the edge of his desk. I felt the heat rise up to my cheeks, and I tried hiding it.

Unfortunately, he noticed my blush and chuckled to himself, shaking his head slightly. "Your next class is going to start soon, you better get going."

"Oh, right." I forced a small laugh, nodding. "I will see you tomorrow, Mr. Hood." I pushed the door open and heard him say a goodbye as I left the room and quickly went to my next class, entering the room just as the bell rang.


I made it home and quickly finished my homework before making my way upstairs to my room. I shut the door behind me. I took my shoes off and tossed my phone on my bed as it played my music.

My parents didn't get home until 5:00 pm, whereas I got him at 2:00 pm, giving me three hours to do whatever the hell I wanted around the house.

The music from my phone blared at top volume as I quickly changed into an oversized sweater and a pair of workout shorts that weren't able to be seen given the sweater, leaving my knee socks on. I danced around my room and in front of my mirror.

I yelled the lyrics and swung my head back and forth. I always loved doing this to just get all my energy out and be free of judgment.

Once Out of My Head by The Griswolds finished I threw my body on my bed, lowering my music volume, and checking the time.


I dropped my phone back on the bed and sat myself up, attempting to catch my breath as I ran my hand through my hair. I looked around my room from my position and rolled over on my stomach to reach for my book on the corner of my nightstand. I opened to my bookmarked page and started reading, tucking my hair behind my ear as Banks' Poltergeist played softly.

I soon heard the front door open, which distracted me from my reading. I furrowed my brows as closed the pages on my bookmark and rolled over to grab my phone. I clicked the power button to read the time off the lock screen: 5:01 pm.

I yawned and set my phone back down as a knock on my bedroom door sounded.

"Hi, Anna" My mom smiled as she carefully opened the door.

I smiled back at her, "Hey, Mom. How was your day?" I yawned again and stretched my arms over my head.

She laughed softly, "It was okay. Could've been better. Your dad said he is on his way, I will let you get back to whatever you were up to."

I nodded, "Thanks, Mom." I chuckled as she shut the door, walking down the hall.

I pulled out my laptop and checked on a few things, hearing my dad coming home and the faint sound of he and my mom greeting each other. I felt a small smile creep up on to my face at the sound of them, before clicking on a YouTube video that caught my attention.

After about four or so YouTube videos and one episode of Friends, my mother called from downstairs, "Anna!!" I shut my laptop, assuming dinner was ready by the aroma from when I had opened my bedroom door. I quickly made my way down the staircase and used my socks to slide on the hardwood floor. "I'm h—" I immediately stopped in my tracks and my eyes widened, staring at our special guest through opened doorway in front of me.


eep. i am high key nervous of what people are going to think so ??? i don't know man. if you like it let me know so i can post more chapters :)

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