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It was Thursday afternoon and I was sitting across Calum's lap as he finished up some work in his classroom. Bored, I picked at the mauve polish on my nails to keep myself occupied.

"How much longer?" I pouted as my hands fell to my lap.

Calum's eyebrows were furrowed as he focused, but they immediately softened when he looked up at me. My heart nearly melted. God, he was attractive, as if I hadn't already noticed. He was clad in a navy button down and khaki slacks. During class, I caught nearly eleven other girls drooling over him. I simultaneously felt both anger and pride. I wanted them to stop looking at him, my jealousy was peaking a bit, but I also took pleasure in the fact that I knew I was who he'd spend his free time with. Plus, Calum didn't seem to pay them any attention which, effortlessly, eased my nerves.

"Only a few more minutes, baby. I've just got a few more papers to grade."

I nodded while his focus went back to the sheets on his desk. My eyes wandered around the room in hopes of finding something I could entertain myself with, but I was ultimately left with nothing.

A sigh fell from my lips. Every minute was dragging on longer than I had wanted. I was sleepy and hungry and I really didn't want to be in a classroom any longer than I had to. 

Now, standing up and pacing around the classroom so Calum didn't have to work around my on his lap, all I wanted to do was complain. It felt pointless to wander aimlessly within the four white walls but, I have to admit, the seats were so uncomfortable that I didn't want to plop back down. So, I remained standing, reading posters and book spines around his room as if I hadn't already done so when I got bored during class.

After a few more minutes of my aimless wandering throughout the room, I heard Calum stand from his chair, prompting me to turn around and look at him. He didn't meet my gaze, however. He gathered his papers and began to put all his things away in their respective spots as I walked over to him with more of a bounce in my step.

"Are you done now?" I ask gently, politely, just so it'd be enough not to come across as annoying after I had pestered him about when he'd finish minutes prior.

He then looked toward me, lifting his gaze from his things to meet mine. "Yes, baby. I'm done. Now we can leave."

My lips curled up to a smile and I nodded my head, grabbing my backpack from the nearest desk and slinging it over my shoulders before promptly making my way out of the class ahead of him. I could hear a soft chuckle behind me and it didn't take long for him to catch up to me with his long strides, so we were soon walking side by side out to the staff parking lot.


Back at Calum's house, we'd had a quick dinner before we found ourselves on the couch, watching some random movie he'd found on TV that I paid poor attention to. Not that it wasn't interesting to me, but his arm wrapped around the back of my waist and his hand resting on my hip made it a lot harder to focus on the screen. 

I found myself looking up toward him quite a lot. Just admiring his face and features while his gaze was fixed on the film. One particular time in which I laid my head back against him, a sigh left my lips and the small exhale caught his attention.

"Are you bored, little one?" He chuckled, shifting slightly as he looked down at me.

I perked up a bit and shook my head, "No, not bored. I just don't know what's going on in the movie because I haven't been paying great attention."

"Hm? Why's that?" He asked as his fingers fiddled with the material of my uniform skirt covering my hip. He knew exactly what he was doing and there was no doubt about it.

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