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I was running late for tutoring session with Luke, not too late. But still late. I made a mad dash from my locker to the library, running the whole distance of the school. I got into the library, breathing quite heavily and fixing the baby hairs that fell in my face. I saw Luke was sat at a table, only he was looking at me. A blush quickly rose to my cheeks, not just because he looked at me, but because I was trying to come back from being a flat mess.

"Run a marathon before you got here?" The blonde boy joked, but only enforced the rouge of my cheeks. I set my bag down and carefully took the seat beside him. My eyes scanned over the work he'd laid in front of me to distract myself from my embarrassment. The papers before me were cluttered with messy maths work, a fair amount of the marks on a few pages were of red pen. I assumed those were quizzes. Luke was retaking basic junior year maths in order to get his credits to hopefully graduate.

The boy sighed, wiping a hand over his face, "Numbers make no sense," He mumbled. I looked over to him only to see him body slumped in his chair, arms crossed over his chest, and his lower lip, graced by a metal ring, jutted out into a pout. This so-called bad boy was acting more like an eight-year-old than I think anyone would've ever expected upon first glance.

I couldn't help but let a quiet laugh fall from my mouth, which caused his lips to curl into a smile as his head turned back in my direction. He sat himself up a bit further, "Alright, Annie. Work your magic" He nudged my arm with his elbow, receiving a meaningless eye-roll from yours truly.

I went to explaining the series of problems he was far from understanding, and within the hot and a half I spent with him, he didn't figure all that much out. Luke Hemmings was no doubt not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he was trying and I thought that was important. As long as he seemed like he wanted to try and learn, I was going to help him out. That's, of course, what tutors do.

Luke leaned himself back in his chair, arms stretched out over his head as he yawned. I, in turn, yawned, with my hand attempting to cover my mouth, but the action was quite familiar to the boy on my right.

"You know what they say," A chuckle passed his lips once he leaned himself back in the table, propped up in his elbows, "yawns are contagious."

I giggled. A small schoolgirl giggle because it's simply what I did. "I guess so."

He grinned and looked at me, to which I slightly drew my eyebrows together.

"I like your hair, Annie." Luke then said. His hand reached over and twirled the ponytail of the more than simple half-up-half-down hairstyle I was sporting. I blushed, and tucked some of the fly-aways framing my face behind my ear.

"Thank you, Luke." I said, subtly scanning the remaining area of the library that was thankfully still cleared of Calum who'd been caught up in a staff meeting. My breath nearly sped up at the thought of the punishments I could've been caught in if he'd seen the interaction that had just occurred between me and Luke, though it was of the most innocent.

All the senior did was flash me a kind smile and nod, gently pulling his hand back to his lap after letting my hair fall back down.

"Uhm, I'll see you next week?"

He looked from me to the clock above the library's entrance and reading the time, noticing for himself our session was over. Luke nodded and stood from the chair he was sat in that almost seemed too small for his tall frame. Standing next to him, I looked like a munchkin. I wasn't that short myself, but compared to the over-six-foot boy next to me, I seemed to stand three feet off the ground.

With a backpack now slung over his shoulder, Luke pulled me into a quick hug which I wasn't exactly prepared for. For the bad boy most people played him up to be, he was rather friendly. I did, though, wrap my arms around his torso and return the hug he'd given me. It lasted only a few seconds before I pulled back. Luke gave me a closed-lip smile and began walking himself backwards towards the doors.

"See you next time, Annie." He grinned and waved just before disappearing out into the hallway.

I made my way out of the media center after I pulled my bag onto my back, walking in the opposite direction of Luke as I wasn't yet leaving but heading down to Calum's classroom.

I plopped my bag down and sat in the office chair he had behind his desk, it was my favorite. Spinning myself around and watching the various objects in the classroom as if they'd moved since I'd been in there earlier in the day. I was humming to myself, some random song that was stuck in my head from the radio playing on the car ride to school that morning. Something about love, because most songs were about it.

I criss-crossed my legs in the seat, just because I wasn't with anyone else who could then glance up my skirt, and moved me head from side to side as I hummed this unknown tune. I was trying to figure it out, chewing on the edge of my bottom lip as I pieced words to the melody and tried to get myself to the chorus.

As the chair's back began to face the door, I heard it open and grew excited as I was looking forward to seeing Calum. Any specific reason? I don't know, I just liked seeing him a lot.

The chair was spinning back around and I grinned, "Da—"

I was cut off, not purposely but just by another voice. It caught me off-guard as I matched the voice to a face and was then met with that face at the doorway, the expression displayed on it twisting into one of confusion when they saw me and not who they expected.

They originally said, "Mr. Hood?" Leading me to quickly realize it wasn't Calum, because why would he call out his own name? It was Luke, who apparently had yet to head on his way home. He became confused when his eyes focused on me, the teenage girl in the office chair of the teacher he had expected to see.

With eyebrows furrowed and lips parted as his brain was, I'm assuming, trying to piece together some sort of puzzle, he spoke yet again, "Annie? What're you doing?"


oh? did she just throw in some drAma? weak drama, yes. but it's drama nonetheless and i have some sort of idea and thank gOD because i was running dry y'all


also i'm sorry for calling you "bitches" i just got excited anyway please enjoy

***ignore grammatical errors i'll try and fix them later but i might not because i'm rather lazy i'm sorry

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