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We arrived at Luke's house in a car ride just over ten minutes. He walked me inside and I looked around the house. It was nice, no doubt about that, but nothing did stand out to me other than the family pictures scattered from room to room.

"You wanna set up in the living room?" He asked me.

I nodded with a faint smile, receiving a grin from him. "Great, I'll be back in a minute." He told me before jogging up the staircase and going to what I assumed was his bedroom.

I took a seat on the plush couch, resting my backpack at my feet. While looking around the room, my thoughts were interrupted by a vibration from my phone. I lifted it from the side pocket in my backpack, where it often lived, opening the notification.

2:29 pm
Everything okay, baby?

I chewed on the edge of my lip as I sent him a quick reply.

Baby Girl
2:30 pm

Baby Girl
2:30 pm
we just got here, studying in the living room

I clicked the power button and the screen on my phone immediately went black as I set it next to me on the couch just before Luke got downstairs.

"Sorry about making you wait, I-"

Before he could go and finish his sentence, I interjected. "It's no problem, Luke. We can get to studying now if you'd like."

He chuckled quietly and scratched the back of his neck, nodding. "Yeah. Uhm, I'm having a ton of issues on math and I know that's not really what we've been working on, but I was wondering if we could look at it?"

"Of course, what class are you taking?"


"I swear to god, you're the only person who can make sense out of Pre-Calc." He laughed, looking down at all the space we filled in notebooks and on worksheets as we worked.

It was now almost five o'clock and I'd been there for nearly two and a half hours. Time had truthfully flown by. It was genuinely nice to spend time with Luke outside of school. I'd found that he was very funny. He had me laughing throughout the duration of our session. Even though we were doing math of all things, I was having fun.

"It really isn't as hard as people make it out to be. Doesn't mean it isn't stupid though." I chuckle, getting one in return from the blonde at my left.

"You're actually pretty fun, Anna." He grinned, leaning back against the couch and looking at me.

"Did you think I wasn't going to be?" I tilted my head. I had to admit, it stung a little bit to hear him say what he did out loud. However, it didn't surprise me.

He shook his head, "No, it's not that. I just didn't think you'd have, like, a similar humor to mine I guess." He laughed, "Everything is more fun that way."

I smiled and my cheeks felt as though they were heating up, "That's true."

Luke pressed his lips together, before allowing them to slowing release and curl up into a smile. He really was a pretty boy, it couldn't be ignored. I liked so much that he was my age. I'm sure everything running through my mind at the time was because of the attention I was receiving. It was just so nice to be getting it.

Luke opened his mouth just as the door from the garage burst open and an older woman, maybe late forties or so, walked in. "Luke?" She called, her arms full of grocery bags.

"Yeah?" He called right back while propping himself up from the couch.

"Help me put the groceries away." A groan left her mouth as she let all the weight off her arms, leaving the bags to sit on the kitchen's island. She sighed and looked up at the two of us on the couch.

"Oh? Who's this, Luke?" She tilted her head slightly.

"Uh," He glanced at me before looking back at his mother, I safely assumed. "This is Annabeth, she's the one who's been tutoring me after school. Annabeth, this is my mom."

His mom smiled politely at me, "Great to meet you, Annabeth. Lord knows Luke needed help with school." She teases and I laughed while Luke's cheeks were graced with a blush.


"Don't argue, Luke. You know you need the help." She quickly spoke to cut him off. "Annabeth, would you care to stay for dinner?" She questioned me, placing produce in the fridge.

"Oh, I don't need to." I shook my head, beginning to pack my things away.

"C'mon, Anna." Luke said, "What harm could it do? It'll be our thank you for tutoring me." He shot me a cheeky grin that truthfully made it hard for me to say no.

"Alright," I nodded, smiling softly. "Do you need any help in preparing dinner, Mrs. Hemmings?"


ladies !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i posted a new calum fic a few days ago and updated it earlier today for any of y'all interested !!!!!!! i'm really into it actually. it's called "coffee shop" so please check it out if you get the chance !!!

much appreciation for you all :)))

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