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Annabeth fell asleep not even halfway through the movie. She was laying on me, her head against my chest. Her blonde hair was spread in every direction as she breathed steadily through parted lips.

I stayed put until the movie ended, but when she didn't wake up and the credits were rolling, I started trying to figure out how to get her upstairs without disturbing her sleep. Any plan I could've concocted wouldn't have worked, because the second I shifted, her eyes fluttered open. Eyelashes batting and brown eyes trying to focus on their surroundings.

I chuckled quietly, rubbing my hands gently up and down on her back, "Sleep well, princess?"

Her head perked itself in my direction, leaving little space between our faces. A pink hue rose to her cheeks, giving life to her tired face, and bringing a smile to mine. The young girl in front of me nodded, "Mhm..." She hummed, looking around the empty and rather dimly lit living room. "How long did I sleep?"

"A little over an hour."

A frown made an appearance on her lips. I don't know if it was the light, but her lips seemed to be a deeper red than I'd normally seen. The frown, though, concerned me. I was just about to ask her what was wrong before she spoke, "I missed the entire movie," She poured, resting her chin on my chest and facing my direction.

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh, shaking my head, "You're so goddamn adorable."

She reacted in the only way anyone could think she would, with a warm pink shade taking over her cheeks. This girl was simple, easy to figure out. I loved it about her. Of course, like any other, she was still complex. I couldn't exactly comprehend what was going on in her head all the time, I wished I could. But her complexity was only to an extent, a short extent. For the most part, I had her read. I loved that about her. I knew not to rush much with her from now, I'd already taken a large leap and didn't want to risk the loss of anything. I knew I needed to build a relationship with her, further gain her trust, until she was almost entirely comfortable around me. However long that'd take? I didn't know. But I was willing to wait.

She had me hooked, like some kind of drug. It was almost insane to compare her to a drug. She was innocent, and pure. The cliché of a young shy schoolgirl. The cliché so many get sick of and annoyed by, because it almost seems too unreal to have anyone so untouched in our modern day. But she was that cliché, living and breathing and in my arms. Her personality was comforting because of her innocence. That fact that she was so untainted by whatever else went on with her peers was calming. I like to think it's because she wasn't yet so concerned. She wasn't overcome with worries and I loved more than anything to be around that.

I loved feeling like I was needed to take care of her, like I could help preserve her purity and keep her safe. My feelings towards her were all with good intentions and from a caring and affectionate place, but they were mixed. I wanted to be with her, romantically, sexually, how ever she would take me. And in addition to that, I wanted to be a guardian of sorts. I wanted to watch over her, kiss her knee when she fell, and deal with her fussing over nothing in particular. I wanted her, but as so much more than I thought I would.

It sounds ridiculous to some, and I suppose it is. But Annabeth didn't seem to have any oppositions to the relationship I was trying to build, and until she did I wasn't going to stop. I was going to get this ball rolling for as long as I could, and she hadn't yet stopped it.

I smiled at her. Her pink cheeks were still prominent in the poor lighting that was provided. "Let's get you to bed, alright, baby?"


I laid my little girl down in bed. After letting go of my body, she quickly pulled a pillow to her and cuddled into the white material. A smile pulled at the corner of my lips as I looked at her. Soft, she looked soft.

I kissed her temple gingerly and whispered, "Goodnight, doll" before I stood myself back upright. Once I reached the door, I looked back one last time to check on her, as if something had happened in the three seconds it took me to reach the doorway.

"Calum?" She squeaked, propping herself up a bit and rubbing her heavy eyes.

"Yes, baby?" I stay stood in the doorway, my hand on the door knob as I wait for her to speak.

"Uhm..." She nervously began and her voice grew smaller, "Could you sleep with me tonight?" She asked, no eye contact being made.

I smiled, like I do all the time around her. How could I say no? "Of course I can, sweetheart."

I walk back to her bed, and she scoots over, making room for me. I climb onto the mattress and just as we both lay down, I pull her body close to mine.

"All good?" I whisper.

She nods, her eyes closed.

"Goodnight, sweetheart."

"Goodnight, Daddy


this is like a filler and i'm sorry but i have no ideas and i needed an update because i'm awful at this stuff

i'm wishing i wrote this in all lowercase but it's too late to go back and fix it now hmph

aLso 2.7k reads i might sob ily all

and anOThEr aLso ignore grammatical errors i'll get around to fixing the ones i can soon

thank you + love you

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