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"Oh, dammit! I knew I forgot something!" Mom scolded herself, looking from me to the guest standing in the doorway. "Anna, we had invited your teacher over for dinner tonight, because we couldn't make his parent-teacher conference last week."

I stayed still, eventually swallowing the lump in my throat and moving my head to nod, "I, uh... I see that, Mom." Blood quickly rushed to my cheeks, flushing them a deep pink. Mr. Hood was standing at my front door and I was wearing pajamas. Nice going, you idiot, I mentally critiqued myself.

"Hi, Annabeth." He nodded to me and cracked a smile, clearly stifling a chuckle due to my appearance.

"Well, uhm," I spoke, flustered, "I am going to change really quick and then I will be back." I point over my shoulder at the stairs before turning on my heels and rushing up to my bedroom. At the top of the staircase, I stumbled over the last stair and prayed to God that Mr. Hood didn't witness it.

I ran into my room, carefully and quickly shutting the door behind me as I changed my outfit. How could my just forget to mention my English teacher was having dinner with us? It's kind of important. I quickly found a simple outfit, a simple, fitted, white long-sleeve shirt along with a pale pink skirt that ended mid-thigh. I left my knee socks on and quickly slipped into a pair of flats, brushing out my hair and checking my makeup before I left my room and quickly made my way to the dinner table.

I sat down at the small round table with Mr. Hood to my right, my mom to my left, and my dad across from me. I smiled at all of them, "Sorry." I said quietly.

"It's alright, Annie. Calum was just telling us about how you're doing in class." My mom smiled and I looked to Mr. Hood who was smiling as well, rather brightly. Calum, I repeated in my head.

"As I was saying," Mr. Hood went on, continuing the conversation they were having before my interruption, and I personally thought he was making my in-class-achievements sound better than they actually were. But, with every compliment, I blushed and thanked him.

"So, Calum," My dad spoke up. "Tell us a bit about you and whatnot." Taking a bite of pasta after she spoke.

"Well," Mr. Hood, or Calum, cleared his throat and set his water down. "I am twenty-six years old," I thought, only nine years older than me?  "This is my first year of teaching on my own, and my first year teaching in the States. I am originally from Sydney, Australia, hence the accent." I laughed quietly and nodded along with my father and mother as Mr. Hood smiled towards me.

Mr. Hood went into more detail about himself, and I caught small snip-bits of what he was saying. I was overall distracted by him physically. I heard his voice, which I had always loved listening to just because it sounded kind. But because I wasn't occupied by note-taking, I really got to pay attention to him. How he used his hands when he talked, not all the time and not too extravagantly, but enough to notice. I heard how he had a slight lisp that was more present sometimes than others. I watched his face, the expressions he made for various emotions. I noticed the crinkles by his eyes when he smiled and laughed, and how his face softened when he was listening intently. It was interesting if anything.

Of course, I wasn't just full on staring at this man. I was watching just enough to be observant and not look like I was studying every part of him, which I one hundred percent was.

"Here, let us take your plates. We will be right back." My mom spoke, standing with my father as they cleaned the table. They didn't allow me to help, just had me stay seated to speak with Mr. Hood.

"I am sorry about earlier," He chuckled softly, "I probably could've mentioned to you in class that I was coming over. I just assumed you already knew."

I shook my head and moved my hair behind my ear, "It's all good, Sir. Everyone experiences a little embarrassment once and a while." I giggled and smiled at him, moving my body to face him better.

He nodded, his lips still curled into a smile, "Well if it helps any, the way you slid across the floor was kind of cute." His shoulders shrugged slightly and he then took a sip of water as if what he said was one hundred percent casual.

Cute? Did my English teacher just call me cute? I knew my face had just flushed completely red as I fiddled with the hem of my skirt in my lap, "Uhm, thank you, Sir." I squeaked, completely out of character for me. I was normally quite confident, but this man had an effect on me. It wasn't making anything easier.

I heard him chuckle again while my parents reentered the room. I tried my hardest to hide my blush as I sat up straighter and faced them, smiling softly.

The three of the continued a conversation, occasionally bringing me into it.

For the rest of the night, my thoughts wandered Mr. Hood, and him individually. He was sitting a few feet away from me, making conversation with my parents. He was smiling and laughing, and receiving reactions from both my parents as well. He would occasionally glance in my direction, and it affected me. I didn't know why, or how a look from him immediately made me feel... different.

I sat quietly, resting my chin in my hand. I yawned, which caught Mr. Hood's attention. He then checked the watch on his left wrist. When he finished the topic he was discussing he said, "Well, it's getting late. And Annabeth and I both have school tomorrow, so I should probably get going." Followed by a kind smile.

"Oh right, we'd hate to keep you too long. I bet your girlfriend is waiting up on you." My mother spoke. I envied how good she was at making conversation with people.

"Oh no," He chuckled, "I don't have a girlfriend."

Are you kidding? I had thought, He, of all people, doesn't have a girlfriend?

"Well, then I don't feel as bad about keeping you here." She laughed quietly and stood up.

The other three of us followed her actions and we lead Mr. Hood to the front door.

"Thank you, Mrs. and Mr. Carter." Mr. Hood smiled as he stepped out the door. My mother, of course, told there was no need to thank them and that it was a pleasure to have him over.

"I will see you tomorrow, Annabeth. Have a good night you three." He waved and then walked down to his car.

We all waved to him, followed by my mom closing the door, cutting off my view of him. I smiled at my parents and told them I was going tired and going to go to bed. I kissed them both on the cheek before I ran up the staircase and closed my bedroom door.


i don't know about this book ??? like i just hate my writing lmao. it's probably going to start up pretty quickly because i'm impatient, mmkay? mmkay.

also, let me know if you catch any grammar mistakes i will love you forever

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