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Mrs. Hemmings, or Liz, which she insisted I referred to her as had put together burgers for dinner. I was slightly relieved, given the picky tendencies I had towards food. Luke and I helped her get it all together. I prepared mine with only a slice of cheese and ketchup while they'd piled on other toppings and condiments before sitting down with the two of them.

"A little picky, yeah?" Luke chuckled and eyed my plate as we walked to the table.

I gave him a quick shrug of my shoulders as I felt the heat rise in my cheeks and a slightly embarrassed chuckle fell from my lips.

He grinned and shook his head as he took his seat. "My friend was a lot like that when we were kids. Mikey, you know him?"

I shook my head in response. I really didn't know a lot of people at our school, much less any of the senior class.

Luke looked up at me and it made me want Liz to get to the table faster so we could start eating and I wouldn't have to keep racking my brain for the life of the conversation. I didn't have a knack for social situations and it was honestly embarrassing.

"You should meet him sometime, he's a really cool guy." Luke grinned and I just nodded my head, flashing a small smile as my fingers fiddled with each other in my lap.

"Yeah, maybe sometime." A small sigh nearly fell from my lips as the conversation seemed to come to a close.

"Uhm," He speaks up again and my head peeks up in his direction, "There's actually this party on Friday that another friend of ours is hosting. You could stop by if you want?"

I felt the pace of my heartbeats quicken and I immediately started chewing on the inside of my cheek while trying to quickly come up with a solid excuse as to why I couldn't come. A party? I couldn't do that. It'd be jam-packed with loads of upperclassmen, all people I wouldn't know except for one. I started to rationalize, however. Luke would be there, I knew Luke. But it would've been naïve to assume he'd let me follow him around all night like the lost puppy character I'd without a doubt take on. I really wanted to say no. I wanted to tell him Friday was a family night or that I had other, more pressing plans, but I couldn't bring myself to. Something at the back of my mind insisted I accept the invitation, and it won me over.

"Yeah, yeah.." I nodded my head while speaking to him, "That sounds fun."

"Yeah?" He grinned.

I chuckled, "Mhm, yeah."

"Good, great. Starts at 9:00 pm, but you can show up whenever. Or I can pick you up when I go over, just let me know, yeah?"

I nodded again while smiling at him just as Liz came down and took her seat, giving us a start to another conversation.


Luke gave me a ride home that night. We made sure to exchange numbers just before he dropped me off and I stepped out of the car.

My house was quiet when I initially walked in. All lights but one in the kitchen and one in the living room we're off. It was only about 7:00 pm but I knew my mom had more than likely already crashed. She'd gotten home from a business trip in the morning and still had to drive into her office for a meeting. I don't know how she did it. My dad was still out on the trip as they worked as partners at the same company. It was how they met.

I slipped off my sneakers and carefully made it up to my room without causing too much noise to wake my mother. She was a deep sleeper, though, so I didn't have to worry about much. I flicked on the light in my bedroom and set my backpack down next to my bed. Just as I did so, my cat, Ollie, came sprinting out from beneath my desk.

Ollie meowed at me and his mouth stretched into a yawn to finish it off.

"Hey there," I crouched down and my hand met his head. He happily leaned into my touch before I scratched behind his ear and slowly stood myself back up.

I changed out of my clothes into something I found far more comfortable and wiped my mascara off in the bathroom.

7:32 pm and I plopped down on my bed, determined to finish the rest of the homework I had by at least 9:00 pm. Now, with my glasses on, I pulled over my laptop and sorted out my binders from my backpack to get to work.

9:23 pm and I finished all my homework. Curled up in bed and reading the book I'd had on my nightstand with Ollie sleeping beside me, my thoughts drifted off and my mind was soon filled with thoughts about Friday. I was nervous, couldn't deny that. Sixteen and just now going to my first ever high school party. I thought up a series of scenarios, some worsening my anxiety of it all.

It wasn't until I realized I'd planned on spending Friday nights at Calum's house that I genuinely felt my nerves act up, though. There was no way I could skip out of coming over without saying anything to him.

I chewed on my lip, realizing it was Tuesday. I had time. I had time to think up what I'd say. I had time to live without telling him just yet.

I picked up my phone and decided to ask him if I could come over Thursday as well. It'd give me time to see him as well as explain my situation, however, I chose to.

Baby Girl
9:42 pm
hey daddy? can i come over thursday after school?

I sent the message and got a response much faster than I had anticipated.

9:43 pm
Of course, baby. Now go to bed, it's too late for my little girl to be up on a school night.

A grin crept its way onto my face, showcasing itself through the shape of my lips as my thumbs danced on my dimly lit phone screen to get a reply to him.

Baby Girl
9:43 pm
okay daddy goodnight

I sent to him, locking my phone and placing it on my nightstand, along with my glasses, before I shifted to my side and started to doze off.

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