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you all are fucking insane what the hell
i'm sorry i've been gone for seven months lmao i legit lost hope in this book ?? but y'all seem to like it ??? so i'm gonna try and push through this but bare with me because it'll probably be bad.

i wrote this while i was watching unbreakable kimmy schmidt so this probably s h i t 

i just wanted to get it up fast okay pls don't attack


"Annabeth!" I heard from behind me as I was walking through the halls on my way to AP World.

Looking over my shoulder and stopping in my tracks I spotted the tall blonde boy jogging up to me. Luke was showing off his white smile as he slowed his pace when catching up to me. 

"Uhm, hi." I smiled up at him, timidly, meeting his blue eyes with mine of a deep brown. I took my gaze away from his for a moment, trying to casually scan the hallway and suppress any hint of paranoia I may have. It more than likely was stupid that I was paranoid to talk to a boy my own age in the hallway of my high school, but after what happened the last time I was with him, it seemed reasonable to be a bit nervous.

"Hey, uh, I was wondering if I could meet up with you again?" He asked as we walked, "Y'know, for some tutoring?"

I nodded my head, looking down at my feet, "Yeah, we could meet in the library at-" Before I could even finish, Luke interjected with a comment of his own.

"I was actually wondering if we could meet at my house, or something?" Immediately after the words left his mouth I was looking up at him and he must've understood my confusion because a nervous chuckle flew past his lips and he quickly went to explain.

"I just thought it'd be more comfortable, but if you don't want to.." Luke shrugged as his voice began to trail off.

A knot had built up in my stomach for the duration of our talk, knowing Calum was not going to be happy with the idea of me spending time alone at a boy's house. But a small part of me almost didn't care. 

"No, your house is just fine if that's what you want to do," I told him with the most confidence I've probably ever had to back up my words.

A smile tugged at the corners of his lips and he nodded his head, "Great, alright. Meet me near the door to the senior lot after last period, yeah?" 

"Of course, yeah."

We both said quick goodbyes as he left for his Pre-Calc and I continued my way down the hall.


I was sitting in my last hour with my elbow propped on the edge of my desk, chin resting in my palm as I watched the second's hand on the analog clock above the door tick. An absent-minded sigh fell from my lips which caught the attention of the head of the class immediately. I sent a small, apologetic smile to him and looked back at the pages of my textbook, pretending that I hadn't only read the first word of the short story we were assigned. 

In two minutes time, the dismissal bell sounds and the thirty-some of us in the classroom hastily packed away our bags. Everyone filed out, though relatively chaotically. I, as usual, was the last one left. I had slung my backpack onto my shoulders and made my way up to Mr.Hood's desk.

Leaning back in his office chair, a very pale blue button-down clung to his arms in the most flattering way possible. His sleeves were pushed up past his forearms and he looked up at me, "Did class bore you today?"

The color red quickly adorned my cheeks, "No, I'm just tired." I told him with a small shrug from my shoulders. "But I did want to tell you something really quick.." I spoke shyly, fiddling with my own fingers.

"What is it, angel?" Calum sat up before leaning forward in his seat. I could tell concern was building in his facial expression.

"Oh, no. It's not anything bad." I shook my head quickly to dismiss any of his negative thoughts. "Uhm, I just wanted you to know that, uhm, Luke asked me to tutor him after school."

His eyebrows furrowed, "Okay, do you want me to stay and observe?"

I shook my head, probably too quickly in all honesty. "No, no. He actually suggested we work at his house."

I heard a sigh from Calum and saw him shaking his head as he fell back into his seat, "Baby, I-"

"Daddy, please. Nothing will happen, I promise. All we're going to do is work on school work, nothing more." I interjected quickly with fast rambling.

I watched Calum think and as he did so I prayed to god he wouldn't be angry over it.

"That's fine, baby. I just want you to be safe, okay? Promise you'll call if anything happens?" 

I nodded my head vigorously in agreement and excitedly squealed, running around to his side of the desk and quickly kissing his cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow, Sir." I grinned as I let myself out of the room, hearing a soft laugh before the door shut.

I ran quickly to the doors to meet Luke, immediatley apologizing for being late when I met with him.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, I got caught up with a teacher." I chuckled softly and brush my hair behind my ears. 

The blonde boy in front of me quicky shook his head while laughing, "It's fine. You ready to go?" Luke asked with a slight tilt to his head and I smile brightly, nodding, before we walked out the doors.

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