1: Beginning

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Emma's POV.

Have you seen those cute couples that are shown on TV? With their perfect romance, love at first sight, everything is perfect and all that? Well... I had one of those relationships.
His name was Tyler. We were friends since children, but that changed when we reached middle school and we took different ways. I was cheerleader, sporty and popular. He was a dedicated student with hours and hours of community service, perfect grades and not into sports at all.
Like in a movie (a really cliché movie), we started to notice each other back in Junior Year of High School. Because I was failing Physics, Ms. Diaz asked Tyler to help me with the class.
During freshman and sophomore years, he was the perfect the definition for nerd. His glasses covered his complete face, pimples and braces made him look weird, and his hair was messy and long. Junior year started, and Tyler came different. He cut his hair different, He changed his glasses, pimples and braces were no longer on him. I know I sound like an interested person, but none of those things are why I liked him.
So, yeah. He helped me with that hideous class and I passed. He became my official tutor for the classes I didn't like.
During that school year, I had a boyfriend called Kyle, and He was the opposite of Tyler. Athletic and stupid. We broke up because He was not what I expected on someone, I wanted something serious and He wanted just a booty call (something that I never did).
Between the tutoring classes, Tyler and I had a couple of fun "activities", including sneaking out of class, going to the beach on weekends with more friends, and having lunch with our families (our families knew each other before).
Tyler introduced myself his best friend, her name was Lindsey, and she became my bestie.
In the end of Junior Year, Tyler had the courage to ask me on a real date. So we had a nice meal on the park that he planned, and we danced like crazy youngsters. At night back home, he kissed me. That was the first real kiss for both of us, and considering the event of that year, I knew that I was in love.
Junior Year ended and Senior Year started. Some people think that Senior year is to get accepted into colleges and get scholarships, others think it is to have fun and to do anything you never did before. For Tyler, He made his Senior Year a mix between both ideologies. He had never been on a real roller coaster before, so I took him to a real one. He got accepted into UCF to study media and show production with a full scholarship, and I got accepted too into arts, but I had to work and pay for it.
Everything was perfect. Senior Year was perfect. Our relationship was perfect. Our future and our dreams were real perfect.
Picture this: It's your prom day, you have a beautiful dress with beautiful make up and the perfect date. You have the best night of your life and everything is perfect.
Suddenly, everything changes.
Suddenly, the beautiful dream turns into a nightmare.
Suddenly, you see the lights coming from nowhere.
Suddenly, you wake up at the hospital with no memory of what happened, but you wake up with the worst of the news you could ever receive: The person you love died.
So I didn't assisted graduation because I was at the hospital nearly dying. His funeral occurred before I woke up. You may ask: How did I feel? Honestly, I don't know. I was feeling everything and anything at the same time.
The next step was going to college, but I didn't want to. I couldn't go knowing that Tyler (the one who deserved the most to go and be successful) was not able to do it anymore. So, yeah, I survived the accident, but even that, I wished I was death.

So I decided to write this story, and I changed the beginning a little bit. If you're reading this, thank you, and leave your opinion.

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