7: Goodbye

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New Update!!

Emma's POV.

I was having the same nightmare every day since Tyler's death: I was alone in the darkness and I started to walk, suddenly, I heard a loud voice (Tyler's) screaming at me saying "You Killed Me!". I yelled, cried and covered my ears until someone would wake me up.
After my suicide attempt, my parents paid strict attention to me. I was in their company all day and all night, and that made me even more depressed.
Nightmares didn't stop until one night I had a dream that would change how I was feeling and that would fix my broken heart.

I was in the darkness alone. I started to walk until I felt lost and lonely, just like my regular nightmare. Suddenly, a sweet familiar voice spoke behind me saying: "Emma. You have no idea how much I miss you".
I looked back, and there he was. He seemed peaceful and more beautiful than ever. Looking at him was joy for me. We run to each other, and when we were close, we shared a kiss that I will never forget. The darkness and emptiness from that place were filled with light and life, and everything seemed perfect again, but after sharing a long hug, I realized that it was just a dream.
"You are not here" I said "I wish you were here for real, I miss you, and I need you so much".
"I really am here" He said " I know this is a dream, but this was the only way I could come back. There is something I have to tell you."
"Tyler, I can't live without you" I said sobbing "A dream is not going to change the fact that you are not here anymore. I need you here with me, since you died, my life is a ruin, I am a ruin. Maybe if I die, that could change everything, maybe we could be together again, maybe..."
"No Emma" he interrupted me "That is not the way life works. You still have so much to live, you are going to have a career, a family, children, you will be happy..."
"I don't want those things without you!" I yelled.
"I know. And I wish things would be different, but they are not. It hurts me when I see you and my family suffering because of me." He paused, and I covered my face on his chest. "I don't want to see you crying. I came back to fix things, I came back to say goodbye."
I cried even harder, I didn't want to say goodbye. "I don't want to forget you, Tyler. I feel you everywhere... It doesn't matter the time, or the circumstances, I need you."
I took my face on his hands and I stared into his eyes while he spoke and cleaned my tears "I love you. But you need to let me go."
We stayed looking at each other for a long time until he broke the silence "Emma, before I go, you need to promise me something." His eyes were full of love and selflessness. I couldn't help but say "Yes?" Even if he asked me something impossible, I would do it because I loved him with all my heart.
"You have to promise me that you will move on. You will go to college, you are going to follow your dreams of becoming the best photographer and designer. You are going to have a big family and you will be the happiest woman in the world. Can you promise me that?"
With tears in my eyes, I looked at him. I knew the answer I wanted to give him, but also, I knew all the pain I had to overcome to accomplish my promise. Finally I said "Yes. I promise you that. I don't want to live without you, but I know that life has to continue."
He smiled and so did I. We kissed for a last time. We both knew he had to leave. Finally, we took different ways.
Before he left, I asked him out loud "Am I going to see you again?"
He looked back and said "Yes. Until then... Goodbye my love." When he said those last words, he disappeared, and I was there in the light alone.
"Goodbye..." I answered, and then, I woke up.

Finally I could update, my graduation was on Thursday and I'm free already!! 😄 So this week I started to work at the hospital doing phlebotomy, it's just practice to get certified and I'm not getting paid (yet). Anyway, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy!

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