8: The end...

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Tyler's POV

Finally, my mission was completed. I returned to set peace and fix some broken hearts I left behind when I was alive, now it was my time to go to heaven for ever, meaning that that was probably the end.
"Are you ok, Tyler?" Lucy asked.
"Yeah, I'm just... I don't know. I'm afraid of what is going to happen."
"Don't be. Things will work out" She smiled, and she left me outside the gates that open heaven. My dad was waiting for me to go inside.
"It is time, son. Are you ready?"
I didn't answer. I just looked at the gate and began to remember my hole life, since the day I was born until my last day of life.
"Yes. I'm ready" I finally answered. "I'm... I'm just afraid of the end."
Dad looked me expressionless "What makes you think this is the end? No, There is more beyond. Death is not the end, it is just another phase, you will see."
The gates opened. Dad looked me and said "Ready?"
I looked straight ahead, I smiled and said "Ready."
We entered heaven and for the first time I saw everything. My mind and eyes were opened, and finally, I understood why. Dad was right, that is not the end...

It's been a while, but finally! "River Flows In You" is the song I want to be played in my funeral, because it's beautiful. It fits this chapter perfectly.
BTW, this is the las chapter with Tyler's POV, I want you to have your own idea of what happened with him in heaven, so it is an open ending. Love you, see you! ❤️🙂

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