12: First date

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The following day I had cashier duty as well (technically that whole week). There was exactly a month left of summer break and I felt really in a good mood.
I wasn't really expecting for Luke to come back, but he did return.
"Hey" he said.
"Hi Mr. Andersen, how can I help you?" I smiled.
"I want another dozen of blueberry muffins."
I raised my eyebrows "You don't seem the type of person who eats his problems" I joked, making the order in the machine.
"Funny, but those are not for me. My mom loved the ones I brought yesterday and my parents have family coming over tonight, so I'm buying more."
"16 dollars, please" He paid and I finished the order.
"So, you have plans tomorrow night?" Luke asked.
I looked at him strangely "I... do not."
"You wanna go to the movies maybe?" I tried not to blush.
"Mmm... sure. But... isn't it inappropriate to go out with a teacher?"
He chuckled "Well, I'm not your teacher anymore and we're not harming anyone."
"Fine. Text me for more details, ok?" I gave him my number and he put it on his phone.
"Cool" He smiled "See you tomorrow."
"Bye" I said and he left.
I blushed pretty hard afterwards. My first date after a long time.


"What should I wear? My dating skills are really rusty" I said.
Lindsey had reviewed my entire wardrobe, but I was unsure of my outfit. "Well, first date in a long time. Something comfortable, but cute." She took a long pink shirt with a pair of jeans and a pair of cute sneakers.
"Be comfortable and be yourself. It is just the movies." She smiled and hugged me "Gosh, I'm so happy for you."
"I'm really nervous. It's been awhile and... I don't know how it's going to be."
"Don't be. You're going to have fun, so dress and be ready, he'll be here any minute."

I was ready when my phone rang. Luke was downstairs waiting to go, I took my purse and exited the apartment. "Have fun, but don't exceed yourself, your mom will kill me" Lindsey said.
"Thanks, I'll be fine."

"Hey stranger!" Luke said when he saw me.
"Hi stranger" I smiled at him.
He opened the door of his car for me and he drove us to the movie theater.
"So... what movie are we watching?" I asked.
"I was thinking about Hintman: Agent 47. It's about this dude genetically modified to be an assassin to uncover a secret, It sounds cool."
"Mmm, sounds like fun" I said. "So, are you buying the tickets while I buy popcorn?"
"Pfff, what? No. It's my treat, besides, I'm the one that invited you."
"You're such a gentleman!" I said with a bit of sarcasm in my tone.
"I know, I know" he chuckled.
We arrived the movie theater and as promised he bought the movie tickets and the popcorn.
The movie started and we focused on it, except for the moments when we accidentally touched hands while grabbing popcorn, super cheesy.


After the movie ended, he drove me back to my apartment. He parked outside and said "Well, I had fun."
I smiled and said "Yeah, the movie was cool. We should do it again some other time."
We held eye contact for a long moment after he started getting closer. I started to get close as well.
When our faces got close enough to kiss, I moved back. "I'm sorry. I... I don't feel ready yet. I'm still getting over someone and... It's... complicated."
I could feel a little bit of deception on him, but he said "It's fine. We can't take our time."
A moment of awkward silence passed until he said "Can I ask you something?"
I looked at him and said "Yes."
"What happened? Why did you break up?"
I felt the lump forming in my throat. "We didn't break up. It's complicated, he... he died... over a year ago on an accident... I'm still getting used to."
"I'm so sorry. I should've brought that up."
"No, it's fine. I just don't talk a lot about it. It still hurt..." Some tears started to form on my eyes.
"I'm sorry. I know the feeling... I mean, I've been there. You feel like there's no reason to live, and... you wish you could have another minute with that person."
I looked him in the eyes. "How do you know it?"
"Because once I lost someone the same way. Her name was Lucy. We attended college together.
"We met and we started dating. We did it for the following two years. We lived together, we were inseparable. I knew I wanted to marry her.
"But one day she was... murdered. I became angry and depressed, I wanted to kill the guy who did it. I almost dropped out school.
"But I realized she wanted me to move on and so I did. I finished my career and I became a teacher. I guess It took me a while to move on."
We stared at each other for a while until he said "I like you Emma. I didn't feel prepared to meet other girls until I met you. But I understand if you are not ready, we can take it slow... If you feel the same."
I whipped the tears on my eyes and said "I do feel the same. But let's take it slowly, alright?"
I exited the car and he followed me to the door of the building.
"I'll see you around" He said.
I approached him and kissed his cheek "See you around, stranger." He blushed and I entered the door.

I loved writing this chapter. What do you think? A little bit cheesy, but  I'm liking the path the story is taking. Maybe 3-4 more entries. I know you will love the end!

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