5: Memories

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New Update! There is a explicit scene in here (violent), so be discreet. Love you guys...

Tyler's POV.

Being death gave me time to think about my time alive. My dad said that life on heaven is different than Limbo. At Limbo, time is as slow as on earth, but it can be faster also.
During that past time, I'd seen my family go through my death, I'd seen them moving on and trying to let it go. It was a little bit hard to see them go through all of that, and Emma was the one suffering the most. I knew I was able to do something, but according to my dad,  I still had to wait.

Lucy was a really nice person. If I had met here alive, she probably would be my friend, she was always kind with everyone that came to Limbo. We were just talking after I helped her completing her guardian angel's duties.
"Lucy" I paused "Can I ask you something?"
"You want to know how I died, don't you?" She was really clever.
"Sorry, that was a dumb question" I composed myself.
"No, it's fine. I never talk about it with everyone, but nobody asked before" Her British accent made her more friendly.
"Well..." She began to talk "So I moved from England to the US for school when I was 18 and I started going to college. I met a guy called Luke that became my boyfriend. We dated for the next two years until I died.
"One night, I was checking out of work when a guy I knew from school (whose name is not important anymore) asked me to help him with something. So I stupidly followed him into a car. He forced me into the car, and he took me to a dark alley" She paused and her face turned sad "He... He rapped me. A person I thought I knew rapped me and killed me.
"I came here and I had to see how my parents, my boyfriend and my friends reacted to the news. A funeral was held at my school, and even my killer attended it. Here, the person who received me was also one of my killer's victims, 5 in total.
"Another victim was about to be killed, but she was strong enough to beat the guy down. He was finally caught and sentenced to a life at prison and a eternity on hell. Luke at the news almost killed him, but he was stopped by the police.
"It was so shocking all the scene of the police finding my body and my family on England thinking that I was fine, the funeral..." she sighed "I wondered what would have happened, but when I fixed what I had to, I finally was ready to go to heaven. I decided to come back to Limbo and help those who have to come here".
I took a deep breath and said "Wow".
"I know. Some people have to pay for others' mistakes, right?" She looked at me and continued saying "Now It's your turn to tell. What's your story?"
"What do you want to know?" I asked.
"I don't know. Your family, your friends, Emma, something..."
I sighed "Okay. So at school, I was a complete nerd".
"Is that bad?" She interrupted.
"No, but... I don't know. I wish that I could be more extroverted like my father was or my brother.
"Anyway, I only had one real friend during middle school and high school, Lindsey. We met because our fathers worked at the Army, so she's been my friend since we were kids.
"My family is my mom, my big brother Jason and my younger sister Maya. Since dad's death, mom started teaching at a Elementary school. Jason has always been a good athlete, so he got a good scholarship for football. Maya is still at middle school, but she is so good at singing and songwriting. And then is me, I just like media production, editing and directing" I paused. Talking with Lucy made me realize how much I had lost because of my death, how things were different since my death.
"How did you meet Emma?" Lucy was still curious.
I smiled at the memory "I met her at school. We were friends at middle school, but growing up we took different ways. She was popular and everything while I was a nerd student with good grades and a 'bright future', butat Junior Year I started tutoring her, so we started hanging out more frequently.
"At the end of the school year, I just ask her out and I kissed her. I was so nervous and excited at the same time, that was my first kiss, and I know how dork that is, but I am happy that that is how it happened" I sighed and finally said "That love was meant to be".
We didn't say anything for a couple of minutes, until Lucy said "Being her at first is hard, but when you go to heaven, you learn everything. You understand life and... You need to see for yourself. But now, you have to wait until it's the right time".
"When is the right time?" I asked.
"Wait... Look at the screen".
I looked and I saw what I didn't want to happen: another ambulance and police at Emma's house.
"What is going on?" I asked. Then I knew: Emma tried to commit suicide...

I didn't like this chapter that much, but the story is taking a good path. I have EOCs all next week 😭😭😭 But only 5 more days of school!Thanks for reading, I hope you like it and be safe!
PS. Selena sang a new song at her Revival Tour, but she hasn't released the official audio, I'll be waiting.

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