6: Dreams

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After a long time without update, I finally could. This is a long chapter, I hope you like it! ❤️

Tyler's POV.

I miss the moments when we were together, just us and no one else. Did she imagine a future together as much as I did? All of that is gone now. I miss you, and I can't have you anymore...


"Son, It is time now. This is the moment you have been allowed to go back in a dream to see your mom, siblings, and another you want to visit, but this is the only opportunity you have. After that, you will go to heaven".
A moment back was the only thing I needed, but something was bothering me. What if I made things worse? Emma trying to kill herself, I would never rest if something happened to her because of me.
"What if I mess things up?" I asked.
"Don't be frightened. You will bring peace and good to your beloved ones ". My dad was confident that I would do a good job, but I was afraid. After all the time I spent on the Limbo, after watching my family and friends going through all of that...

We walked into a empty room, but with door wide open. Only whiteness was behind the door, nothing else to be seen.
"This door will lead you back to the earth in a dream. When entering the door, you have to know where to go. To know where are you going, you have to look inside your heart, and all those you want to visit. But you only have a few hours, so you better be going."
Before entering, I hugged Dad and said "I don't know what to do when I see them."
"You will at the moment."
And with nothing else to say, I entered the door, knowing that I had to fix many broken hearts before leaving...


The first person I thought about was my mom. She had to know first that I was okay, and I had to see her for the last time.
Her dream was a quiet place. I saw her lying on the grass, looking the sunshine.
"Mom..." the word that started a conversation that seemed to last forever. She told me that she missed me and how she tried to hold up everything. She also told me how she felt and how things with my big brother were going better between them.
Finally, I had to say goodbye. "Remember when your father died, and he visited us in our dreams?" Mom said.
"I remember" I said.
"I knew that you would do the same, and here you are." We hugged for the last time, and I disappeared into someone else's dream.

The next person I had to visit was my brother Jason. I hadn't seen him since he left for college when I was a Freshman. He never visited us because he wanted to leave forever. The only reason he came back was because of me, he was there at my funeral, and he decided to stay. I guess my death was not in vain after all.
When we started talking, he told me how sorry he was for leaving and never saying goodbye to me, but he finally decided to move back in town and stay with the family, also, he told me that Lindsey was really pretty, and I sensed something coming up. I told him about dad and how things were different when you die.
Before leaving, we hugged for the last time and he said "I love you little bro, and I hope you can say hi to dad for me."
"I promise I will" and saying that, I left.

Maya was the next person I visited. My little sister. She was only 7 when dad died, and another seven years later, me. We were really close, and she liked Emma the most. Even in her short age, she gave me advice in my relationship, maybe because she is woman, and they know more about it that we guys do. She was the hardest person to leave behind, mostly because I was her paternal figure. She always told me that I reminded her of dad.
We talked about school, and her first recital. She played the piano and sang a song in my memory. She also told me that she likes a guy in her class, but she rather keep it a secret. My advice to her as a young brother was to let things happen, but wait until the right time, and also now that Jason was around, that she should trust him.
"I will miss you, but I understand."
"I'll miss you too, but remember I will be watching over you, so keep that in mind everytime you want to date a guy, okay?"  We laughed together for the last time, and I left to see someone else.

Ever since I remember, Lindsey and I were best friends. When my dad died, when her parents got divorced, when I felt in love, when a guy broke her heart, we were together.
Lindsey cried and sobbed when I arrived in her dream. She told me that she missed me but that she was moving on because she knew that I wanted that. We talked about how she was doing in college and becoming an adult, and I told her my adventures in the Limbo. We talked like we always did, until I had to leave, there was someone else to see.
"Thank you for coming by" she said.
"I will miss you Lindsey. I really wish you a happy life. Have fun, but do not exceed." we laughed a bit and she finally said "This is not a 'Goodbye', okay? I will see you later. Not too early though" She said.
"Not too early" I reply.

Emma was the last person to visit, because she was special, and I wanted to make her happy again.
I wanted a future with her. I wanted to be happy and have a family and get old with her, but that will never happen.
Now, that was my turn to fix her heart and repair the damages my death caused. I wanted her to move on and live her life without me.
I entered her dream, and darkness surrounded everything and nothing to be seem, until I saw someone sitting alone in the middle of the dark. That person was Emma, our last time together was about to happen...

So, my graduation is in 2 days, and I'm super excited!! After so much of High School, finally I'm done.
BTW, Ariana Grande's new album is amazing! I really recommend you to listen it.

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