13: Getting Serious

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Luke started to visit me more frequently at work. During my break times we spent the time talking and getting to know each other.
He move to the US when he was 1 year old. His father is American and his mother French, so after they got married they decided to move to the United States, so he knows French, english and a bit of spanish. He has also a younger brother that still attended high school.
I told him that I was a only child and I lived in Florida all my life. My story sounded boring compared to his, but he listened and asked questions about me. We both started to get closer to each other, and I felt really special when I was with him.
"I have to go. But I'll text you later, ok?"
"Yeah, see you stranger" I smiled.
"Stranger..." he smiled back and left.
The 'stranger' thing had become our personal thing and everytime we started talking, we would said it.


School started again and while taking classes I kept my job at the coffee shop. Adulthood was still hard, but I managed to get through it. I was really happy at the moment and I found a new purpose of life.

Around September, Luke asked me to meet his family. Even though we hadn't even kissed or come clean about "us", he wanted to introduce me to his parents and brother.
I panicked at first, but I accepted anyway. It turned out that her mother was expecting me already with the classic "I've heard a lot about you", his father with "You said she was pretty, but that word isn't enough", and his younger brother with a "Do you have a younger sister?" Luke seemed really embarrassed, but I loved his family.
Her mom cooked a nice French meal and I was fascinated. They started to tell stories about Luke's childhood and how he always wanted to become a professional photographer.
At the end of the visit, they wished me the best and we said goodbye.
"I had fun tonight."
"Yeah, I told them to behave but I guess they didn't listen" we chuckled "They liked you though."
I smiled. I stared at him for a moment and said "Luke... I think I'm ready. I mean, I... I want to start something..."
He smiled and approached to me. His lips touched mine with a simple and pure first kiss. Butterflies ran inside my stomach and joy fulfilled my whole body.
He got back, close his eyes and said "Does this mean you and I are... official?"
I smiled with my eyes closed "I guess so."


*three months later*

At the beginning of our relationship, Luke and I started to spend every single moment we had free together. Our late night conversations were just about hearing each other's voices. I was falling already in love.

The winter was getting closer and something was about to happen: It was time for Luke to move to France. I wasn't sure how to bring the theme into the conversation, every time I tried, I panicked and changed the subject.
One day on a late night at his apartment I brought it up.
"Luke, what day do you have go to Europe?"
He sighed "I was trying to avoid the subject."
"Why?" I asked.
He looked away "I don't know... maybe because... because I didn't know how our relationship is going to work." When remained silent cuddling on his couch until he said "I leave in two weeks."
I started to feel mad "TWO WEEKS?!" I broke our hugging moment "When were you going to tell me?! Were going to leave just like that, without telling me?"
He didn't look me in the eyes. Some tears ran down my face.
"I was hoping that maybe something would change..."
"Like what?!" I interrupted angrily. He remained silent until I finally said "Can you take me home? I'm tired." He looked me sadly on the eyes trying to say something, but just said "fine, let's go."

We didn't talk during the ride. When we finally made it to the parking spot, he looked at me and said "Emma... I didn't tell you because... there's something I wanted to tell you, but I'm scared to say it." He took a long pause until he said it:
"Emma... I think I love you." A mix of feelings started to appear when he said it. I was shocked by his words.
He kept talking "I know we met on January and we have officially dated for almost three months, but I didn't feel this close to anyone since... since Lucy.
"And what I wanted to ask you is... well... Come to France with me Emma."

😱😱😱😱😱😱 We almost reach the ending!! I know you're going to Love It!
P.S. I got caught on the Selena Vs. Justin Drama. I understand why he is angry, but come on, his fans are the reason why he is where he is, they should be his priority. Selegend Gomez killed him with kindness anyway. 💅

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