11: The Start of Something

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New Update!

The following weeks of school passed by really fast. College was looking great and I found myself enjoying it. I had another 5 classes beside Photography foundation, I also had:
-History of Photography, with an adorable and gentle old man with an extensive knowledge of the subject: Mr. Jamerson.
-Creative Digital Imaging, With a really cool dude in his thirties kind of hippie: Mr. Dawson.
-Visual Design, with Mrs. Rodriguez. She was really strict but she knows what she does at teaching.
-Digital Imaging I, with Mr. Nowell. This was by far the most boring class I ever had, for a class where you have to imagine, I felt bored to death.
-And for the worst, Calculus. Just when I thought I was done with math, it turned out that I required a semester of mathematics aka calculus. Still, Mrs. Johnson was a nice teacher that made the class easier.
So yeah, school was pretty great and the awkwardness between Luke and I vanished with the pass of the days. It turned out that he was really good at teaching. His sense of humor and intelligence made every single student he had to like him, even me.
So days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, and without really acknowledging it, my first semester at college finished.
I got straight A's during the semester, which I was really impressed because I've never been the type of a good student, but I managed to accomplish it.
The last class of the semester was foundation with Luke.
"Guys, this semester has been amazing and fun. I appreciate every single one of you and I wish you a successful life. After two years of teaching, this was my last semester as a teacher." everybody was surprised by the news. His last semester?
"And what are you going to do, if I may ask?" A guy at the front asked.
"Well, I'm moving to France, my birth country. It is a job opportunity that I have and I'll be moving on December." He smiled and he said "But some other day I might visit you and see what you are up to."
It was time to go. I took my stuff and all of us had the chance to say a goodbye. At my turn, we had an awkward hug and I said "Have a nice journey. Make sure you have your eyes on the road." He laughed and said "I will if you participate more in class." We held eye contact for 5 second, but we finally said "goodbye."
I blushed. What did than mean? I wasn't sure, but that felt... nice. I couldn't stop thinking about that moment all day.

I was happy. But my happiness didn't last when I realized something: it had been a year since the accident. A year? I couldn't believe it. One year and I was already forgetting Tyler? I started crying because I felt awful and nostalgic. Maybe I was moving on too fast, or maybe I wasn't.
Later that day, I talked with Lindsey about it. I told her about that moment with Luke and how I felt.
"But I feel like I'm forgetting Tyler" I said with some tears in my eyes "I feel like I'm cheating on him or something."
She held me and said "Emma, it has been a year. You have the right to start meeting new people, and you aren't cheating on Tyler. He would be happy to see you starting a new life without him. If you want to take your time, do it. But don't hold yourself back just because you're afraid."
As usual, my best friend was right. I was forgetting about my dream with Tyler when he asked me to move on and be happy. I had said yes, so I had to fulfill my promise for him.


The following weeks I encouraged  myself to find a job during the summer break, so I started working at a local but famous coffee shop doing as a cashier, waitress and I also learned how to bake and prepare coffee. At first, baking and learning was a bit of a challenge, but with the days I accomplished it.

During one of my cashier turns, I attended the most unexpected person I ever thought about: Luke.
"Hey" he said " This is awkward."
"Hi, sir. What can I help you with?" I said trying to sound normal.
He smiled and say "I want a dozen of blueberry muffins, please."
I started making the order when he asked "So, how is life going?"
I sighed and said "Pretty fine, I love seeing my teachers outside school and talk about something different that... school" I smiled.
"This doesn't happen a lot, does it? I mean, your teachers coming to visit you at work?"
"No really, but it is a bonus." we both chuckled "It will be 16 dollars."
He took of his wallet and paid.
"So you work here all day everyday?" he asked, What an odd question. I tried not to blush but I answered "Pretty much. I have fridays and sundays free for the rest of this month."
"That's cool, mmm, maybe we can grab a coffee some day or something."
Was he asking me on a date... or something? I looked at him and I smiled "Yeah, that would be fun, I think." He took his order and said "well, I'll see you around."
"Bye" I said and he left.

I'm loving this story so much. There's more drama coming, so be ready.

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