10: The before and after of the First day

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Now there is only Emma's POV on the story (I guess for now) so no need to write it every chapter ;)


The sunday before starting my first year of college I went to buy some groceries and a few school supplies to Walt-Mart.
I parked a little bit far from the entrance, I locked my car and started walking to the store. When I was about to cross the street to the entrance, a guy driving a black car didn't pay attention to the road and didn't stop to the sign, almost running me over. He was texting and driving, but he saw me at the moment and he dodged me. I jumped to the opposite side, falling on the ground.I swear I almost saw my life run through my eyes.
When I looked up, people was running to assist me, including the guy in the car. Someone dialed 911 and the police and ambulance came in the act.
The police asked me my perspective of the incident. I just told him that I crossed the street, thinking he would stop, but he never did. The guy accepted that he was distracted by his phone, so he had to pay a ticket. The police asked me if I was going to sue him, but I rather not to. I've had enough for that day. The guy kept apologizing for what had happened, but I just said "It's fine" and I walked away.
I recovered and I entered the store, bought what I needed, and I drove home trying to forget that incident.


Monday arrived and I prepared myself to be prepared for my first day at college. I had a light breakfast, I dressed myself with a nice normal outfit and I drove to the school.
I arrived campus to photography foundation, my first class ever. I hoped for this class the best because I love pictures and my desire was to become a famous photographer and designer.
I looked down to my bag to take out a notebook and a pen when the teacher arrived the classroom and started talking.
"Good morning everybody, my name is Luke Andersen, you can called me Luke 'cause Mr. Andersen seems too serious. We'll be expending this semester working and perfecting our photographic skill while learning about what is beyond. It is not about just snapping a picture, it means more. A picture holds a moment, a story behind..."
He stopped. This day couldn't get worse. The same dude that almost ran me over was the guy giving the class. He stopped when he noticed me sitting right there. The other fifteen students in the class looked over me to see what made the teacher stop talking, I wanted to disappear.
"Anyway, we are going to have fun and express our ideas. Any questions?"
"How old are you, and are you single?" A girl two rows behind me asked. The other girls giggled.
Luke smiled akwardly and responded "I'm 25 years old and yes, I'm single. But let's keep this relationship teacher-student, ok? I don't want to get fired" Everybody laughed but me. I felt so embarrassed for no reason, that I wishedto be over with this class, analyze what just happened and be back with some kind of plan.

The rest of the hour he just talked about how he became a teacher. his previous works in photography and the syllabus for the class. Finally it was over.
I tried to hurry to exit the classroom fast, but my bag dropped my stuff all over the floor.
"Damn it" I whispered to my self. Luke approached to help me. "It's fine, thank you."
"Are you ok? I'm mean, what happened at the parking..."
"It's fine. I'm trying to forget and you should too. See you tomorrow." I left the classroom, no looking back.
What a rough day to start college. I prepared myself for the next day. If I was going to see him for the next 6 months, I had to calm down and focus on the class.
The next day everything happened normally with the exception that I had to speak out loud in the class about my expectations and resolutions.
With everything settled down, the school year started. I thought that year would be simple and easy, but I was unaware of what it had expected for me...

My entry of the day. I hope you like it and the story is taking a good path. At the beginning I posted how I imagined the characters (through pictures of actors and actresses), but I didn't put a picture for Luke, so I thought about it and the actor I chose for him is:

 At the beginning I posted how I imagined the characters (through pictures of actors and actresses), but I didn't put a picture for Luke, so I thought about it and the actor I chose for him is:

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Nathaniel Buzolic. He appears on The Vampire Diaries and he is also super funny (his snapchat is hilarious). So he's Luke and that's it for today.

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