First Heartbreak

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As time goes by, Jinyoung and Jaebum became close to each other. It's the 1st time Jaebum got close to someone since his boyfriend died. There are issues circulating in the office that the two were dating but Jinyoung just ignored them, they were just friends and nothing more than that. He will never cross the line that separated him from Jaebum and besides, he already had a fiancé and they will be getting married soon. Jaebum brought Jinyoung to Youngjae's grave. He always visits Youngjae's grave and it's the first time he brought someone other than Wonpil. Jinyoung now knows that Jaebum always spend his free time visiting his lover's grave.

Mark was waiting outside the building for almost 3 hours. It's already 9PM but Jinyoung still didn't come out and he didn't even receive any text from the younger.

"Excuse me? You're Jinyoung's fiancé right?" A woman approached him. "I'm Mina, Jinyoung's officemate."

Mark nodded. "Yes, I'm Mark. Is Jinyoung still inside? I was waiting for him for almost 3 hours but I still didn't see him coming out."

"I'm sorry Mark, but Jinyoung was not in the office anymore. I saw him with Jaebum this afternoon and I think they went to somewhere." Mina shook his head.

Mark sighed and looked down. "Thank you. I'll go first, bye."

Jinyoung was with Jaebum? Why is he with him? And they even went to somewhere? Where's that somewhere?

Mark decided to go home. He was lazily walking, head hanged down, it's like all of his energy was drained. Mark lifted his head when he noticed a car that was parked in front of their house. He hid when he saw Jinyoung came out from the car and his heart  dropped as Jaebum came out and hugged his fiancé.

"Thanks for coming with me to visit Youngjae's grave, Jinyoung." Jaebum said while hugging the younger.

Jinyoung pulled away and patted Jaebum's shoulder. "It's the least thing I can do."

Jinyoung waved a goodbye and entered the house. Jaebum got inside the car and left. Mark didn't realize that his tears suddenly fell. He got his phone from his pocket and dialed Jackson. After a few minutes, Jackson arrived.

Inside the car, Mark just stayed silent. He didn't say anything but his tears continued to drop. Jackson just looked at him with a worried face. It's the first time he saw Mark crying and he knew that something's wrong. They arrived at Jackson's house, when Bambam saw Mark crying he immediately hugged the older while Jackson went to the kitchen to get water for the older. He went back to the living room and gave the water to Mark who's sitting on the couch.

"Now, tell me Mark what happened?" Jackson started.

Mark didn't say anything; he just stared at the blank T.V.

"Hyung, what happened?" Bambam worriedly asked.

Mark was about to answer their questions when his phone suddenly rang. He looked at the caller and it was the least person he wanted to talk, Jinyoung. He canceled it and took off the battery. Jackson and Bambam were shocked with his action. Jackson sat beside Mark. He put Mark's head on his shoulder and the older burst out crying. Bambam patted Mark's shoulder while Jackson caressed his back.

"I saw him Jackson. " Mark said between his sobs. "I saw Jinyoung came out from Jaebum's car and that evil monster even hugged my Jinyoung."

"I waited for him but he never come out from that building and then I saw him with Jaebum outside our house." Mark continued.

Jackson sighed. "You must talk to him about that Mark. What if it's just a friendly hug?"

"Jackson I know it's different." Mark looked at Jackson.

"Mark, you cannot just assume that there's something happening between them." Jackson shook his head.

"But –" Mark insisted.

"Okay okay, I believe you. You should go to bed now, take a rest and tomorrow just talk to Jinyoung about that."

Jackson and Bambam accompanied Mark to the guest room.

"Jackson, can I asked you something?" Mark asked.

"What is it Markie boy?"

"When did you two become official?" Mark said while pointing to the two.

Jackson and Bambam were blushing so hard. They didn't expect Mark to ask that kind of question.

"You know what Mark, you should go to sleep noow." Jackson pushed Mark inside and closed the door.

Jinyoung was pacing back and forth in their living room while waiting for Mark. It's almost 12AM and the older  hasn't came back home yet. He even forgot to send Mark a message this afternoon because his phone was out of battery already when they reached Youngjae's grave.

"Jinyoung, will you please sit down?" his mom told him.

"Mom, I can't reached him and he just canceled my call a while ago. What if something happened to him?" Jinyoung was worried to the older.

"Just call his friends. Maybe Jackson or Bambam know where he is right now." Mrs. Park said.

Jinyoung called Bambam but the younger cannot also be reached so he dialed Jackson.

"Hello Jackson, do you know where Mark is?" Jinyoung asked as soon as Jackson picked up the phone.

"He's here in my house."

"What is he doing there?"

"Just talk to him tomorrow Jinyoung. He's already sleeping."

"Oh okay, thanks Jackson." Jinyoung said and he ended the call.

"Where is he?" Mrs. Park asked as he looked at Jinyoung's gloomy face.

"He's at Jackson's place." Jinyoung said and went to their room.

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