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"Where?" Jinyoung muttered.

"I'll be there, thanks." Jinyoung said and he slowly removed the phone from his ears while his tears continue to fall.

Mark held his hand. "Baby, what happen? Why are you crying?"

Jinyoung slowly turned to look at Mark, he burst out crying and the older hugged him while caressing his back.

"What happen Jinyoung? Who called you?" Jackson asked him this time.

"We need to go to the hospital." Jinyoung said in his sobs. "Mom was rushed to the hospital."

Their eyes widened and Mark suddenly pulled away and looked at the younger. "What?! W-what happened to her?"

"T-they said that she had a h-heart attack."

Jackson immediately stood up and got his car keys. "Let's not waste time sitting here. Lets' go."

They all stood up and went to the parking lot. Mark was hugging Jinyoung who kept on crying along the way while Bambam caressed Jinyoung's back saying everything's going to be alright. When they arrived at the hospital, they immediately ran to the information.

"Excuse me, is there a woman that was rushed here because of a heart attack." Jackson asked one of the nurses in the information.

"Mrs. Park? She's in the emergency room." The nurse answered.

Jackson hissed before thanking the nurse and they made their way to the emergency room.

"MOM!" Jinyoung shouted as soon as they arrived in front of the emergency room, he tried to let go from Mark's gripped."Mark, let me go! I need to go to her!"

"Jinyoung you're not allowed to go inside!" Jackson said as they tried to stop him.

"Why not?! She's my mom! MOM!"

"Baby, please calm down." Mark finally said.

Jinyoung turned to looked at him and he saw Mark's dreadful face. Jinyoung looked down as he tried to calm himself, he sat on one of the bench and Mark followed and sat beside him. The older hugged him and he sobbed in Mark's shoulder. "I will never forgive myself when something bad happen to her, it's all my fault."

Mark shook his head. "No, it's not your fault. No one is at fault, okay? Don't blame yourself."

Jackson sat beside Mark while Bambam sat beside Jinyoung and they hugged the two.

They turned their heads when the door from emergency room suddenly opened and Dr. Lee came out from the room. They all stood up and approached the doctor.

"Are you the relatives of Mrs. Park?" Dr. Lee asked.

"Me! I'm her son? Where is she?" Jinyoung spoke.

"She's now in a stable condition. You can see her after we transfer her to a normal room."

"What happened to her?"

Dr. Lee didn't say anything he just looked at Jinyoung then to the others and he let out a loud sigh.

"Follow me." Dr. Lee ordered as he started to walked to his office.

Jinyoung looked at Mark and the older held his hand. "I'm here." Jinyoung nodded and they followed Dr. Lee.

"Please have a seat." Dr. Lee offered when they arrived in his office. "Jinyoung, right? Park Jinyoung?"

Jinyoung furrowed his eyebrows. "How did you know?"

"Your mom and I were schoolmates when we were in high school. Your mom was the best friend of my late wife. She always talked about you every time she went here."

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