First Fight

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Mark woke up with swollen eyes, he took a shower and headed to the kitchen. He saw Bambam preparing their breakfast while Jackson was back hugging the younger.

"Let go of Bambam, Jackson. He won't run away." Mark said and sat at the dinning table.

Jackson just laughed. He pulled himself from the younger and went to sat in front of Mark.

"How are you now?" Jackson asked.

"I'm fine, I think? Thanks for last night Jackson." Mark gave him a small smile.

Jackson nodded.

Bambam served their breakfast and they started to eat. Mark gave a disgusting look to the couple who's feeding at each other in front of him. After they finished eating their breakfast, Mark left first and he went to the coffee shop. He was furnishing the chairs when he heard footsteps from behind.

"Jackson, you're here." Mark said without looking behind.


Mark stopped what he was doing and he turned around to look at the person.

"J-Jinyoung? What are you doing here?" Mark was shocked when he saw the younger.

"Mark, why you didn't go home last night?" Jinyoung asked the older.

Mark looked away and returned his attention to his work. "I stayed here all night because I had a lot of things to finish."

Jinyoung sighed. "Baby, please don't lie to me. I called Jackson last night and he told me that you stayed at his place."

"I will go home tonight. Let's talk about this later. I'm busy right now. "

"Mark what's wrong?" Jinyoung said as he took one step forward.

"Nothing, Jinyoung."

"Mark please, I can't stand you being like this to me." Jinyoung pleaded.

Mark stood up and faced the younger. "How about me Jinyoung? Do you think I can stand seeing you with Jaebum?"

Jinyoung furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

"You don't know what I'm talking about? Well, I was just waiting for you last night until one of your officemates approached and told me that you went out with Jaebum and you didn't even bother to text me. And you know what's the worst part Jinyoung? I saw you came out from Jaebum's car and both of you even hugged in front me and now you're asking me what's wrong?" Mark blurted out.

"Y-you saw that?" Jinyoung stuttered.

"Clear enough." Mark simply stated.

"I-I..." Jinyoung wanted to explain everything to him when his phone suddenly rang. He looked at his phone and he saw Jaebum's name.

Mark peeked at the younger's phone. "It's Jaebum right? Just answer it."

Jinyoung hesitated but he answered it anyway.

"Hello Jaebum hyung?"

"Jinyoung where are you?"

Jinyoung looked at Mark before answering Jaebum's question. "I'm with Mark at Jackson's coffee shop. Why?"

"I have something to discuss with you about our new client. Can you come here now? It's urgent."

"O-okay, I'll be there." Jinyoung hanged up the phone.

"Mark, I-" Jinyoung was about to say something but Mark suddenly cut him.

"Just go." Mark said as he crouched down and continued furnishing the chair.

"Mark, it's not what you were thinking. It's about my job." Jinyoung tried to explain.

"I know Jinyoung, just go." Mark said in his stern voice.

Jinyoung just stood behind the older. Mark's tears started to form in his eyes. He didn't want the younger to see him that he's crying, so he stood up and left Jinyoung. Jinyoung just looked at him as he went inside the kitchen and leaned at the wall. The younger looked down and started making his way out the coffee shop. When Mark finally assured that the younger was already gone, he burst out crying.

Jinyoung arrived in the office with a gloomy face. Jaebum greeted him but he just gave him a small smile. Jaebum knew that there's something going on between Jinyoung and Mark. Of course he knew because he was the reason behind it. Last night, he saw Mark hiding himself a few meters away from them and he used that opportunity to make him jealous that's why he hugged Jinyoung and he really make sure that Mark will clearly see everything.

Maybe, Mark confronted Jinyoung about what happened last night. He thought.

Jinyoung didn't say anything the whole day, he will just nod when someone ask him. Jaebum tried to comfort Jinyoung but he can feel that the younger was avoiding him.

Jinyoung came home early. He was searching for Mark, he expected Mark to be there already but the older was nowhere to be found.

"He doesn't come home yet." Mrs. Park informed his son.

Jinyoung sighed. "I will just wait for him."

"Did you see him this morning?" his mother asked who's packing some food in the kitchen.

Jinyoung nod.

"Did you talk to him?" Mrs. Park asked as he walked towards the younger.

Jinyoung nodded his head again.

"What happened?"

Jinyoung shook his head.

Mrs. Park sighed. "I called Jackson and he told me that Mark didn't eat anything today, just only breakfast. I made some galbitang, you shoud bring this to him." Mrs. Park placed the food that was already packed.

"I don't know what's the reason why the two of you are having a couple fight right now but he's your fiancé Jinyoung. Just talk to him and sort things out." His mom continued when he saw Jinyoung just stared at the food.

Jinyoung looked at his mom and he gave her a smile as he nodded his head. He grabbed the food in front of him and stood up. Mrs. Park hugged Jinyoung and kissed his forehead. Jinyoung made his way to the coffee shop. When he arrived there, he saw all the lights were turned off. Jinyoung went inside and he turned on the lights, revealing Mark who is peacefully sleeping on the unfinished table.

Jinyoung sighed and walk towards Mark. He crouched down in front of Mark and stared at the older. He brushed Mark's fringe and he caressed Mark's cheek. He frowned as he can feel that Mark was so hot. He leaned closer and he can see that the older was sweating too much. He put his hand on Mark's forehead and the other hand on his. His eyes widened when he realized what was happening to his fiancé.

Mark had a high fever.

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