Meeting You Again

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3 years later...

Since that day, Jinyoung decided to move on and just forget everything between him and Mark. He focused on his job and taking care of himself for his baby. During his 7 months of pregnancy, he finally told his mother about it and as what he expected she freaked out because she thought that Jaebum was the father, when he told her that it's Mark's child she was overjoyed and she couldn't wait to see her grandchild and she pleaded to his mom not to tell Mark about their baby.

Unfortunately, Jinyoung didn't give Jaebum a chance, but Jaebum never gave up. He continued to pursue the younger and he wouldn't stop until he got the younger's heart. During Jinyoung's pregnancy, Jaebum always stayed beside Jinyoung and he took good care of him especially when Jinyoung is craving for some foods. Jinyoung took a pregnancy leave from his job when he reached 6 months of pregnancy it is because Jaebum really kept on nagging him to take a leave and just rest.

When Jinyoung gave birth to his first baby, Jaebum was the one who accompanied him and held his hand inside the emergency room. Jinyoung gave birth to a cute baby boy and Jaebum really treat the baby as his own son. Jinyoung resume working 2 weeks after he gave birth but instead of working in the office he stayed only at the apartment so that he could take care of his baby. He never failed to send money to his mother and he already paid all of his debts except for Jaebum's because the older won't accept it no matter what Jinyoung tried to do.

On the other hand, Mark was hired in one of the design company in Korea as their interior designer, after 2 years he got promoted as one of the interior designer director that's because he always received a compliment from their clients. He also opened a furniture business, besides being an interior designer he could also make a unique design of furniture and his business already reached different countries. Sometimes, his design company will sent him overseas but whenever he will be assign in LA, he always declined it. Without Jinyoung's knowledge, Mark was the one who paid Jinyoung's debt to Jackson and Bambam. Mark just told Mrs. Park to keep all the money that Jinyoung has sent to her and just use it for future expenses. Mrs. Park rejected this idea at first but Mark insisted and always told her that this is the only way to thank Mrs. Park for taking care of him since his father left him.

Bambam and Jackson already got married and Mark was the one who paid for the whole wedding reception expenses as his gift for the two. They adopted a baby boy because Bambam is not like Jinyoung who is a carrier but despite of having a baby which is not related to them by blood they still love the baby unconditionally and treat him like their own.

"Are you really sure about this Mark?" Jackson asked Mark for the 7th time.

Mark nodded his head while his playing on his phone.

"Mark, what if you're going to meet—"

"It won't happen." Mark cut Jackson.

"What if you –" Jackson insisted.

"It. Wont. Ha.ppen. Jack. Son. Okay?" Mark said as he glared at his best friend.

"But Mark—"

"Babe will you please shut up?" Bambam was really annoyed with his husband.

Mark chuckled and Jackson looked down.

'To all passengers travelling to Los Angeles on Flight KE017, please have your boarding passes and passports ready for boarding. Flight KE017 now boarding at gate 21. Thank You.'

"It's my call, I need to go now." Mark said as they all stood up.

Bambam hugged Mark and he whispered on Mark's left ear. "Hyung, if you accidentally saw him there, just call us if you need someone you can talk to okay?"

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