5. Hottie Starin At You

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Zeke hasn't been home lately because of his initiate training. It's hard to say this, but I miss him a lot. He may be pestering and get on my nerves quite bit, but he's my big brother.

On the other hand, mom has been extremely emotional. She misses Zeke and feels like he's growing up too fast.

Zeke invited Uriah, me, and all our friends out to celebrate initiation tonight. He said he's bringing along a few of his initiate friends too.

I can't help but wonder if I'll see the blue-eyed boy. He was so mysterious.

"Tris!" Uriah shouts "We're leaving in a half an hour, be ready."

"I can get ready in less than fifteen minutes," I smirk.

"Sure, Ms. 'Oh just one more thing I forgot!'" Uriah mimics me last week in a girly voice.

"Shut up," I fold my arms across my chest, barely suppressing my grin.


After rummaging through my closet, I decide to wear a black long sleeved cocktail dress with a sweetheart neckline.

A smile plasters across my lips as I view myself in the mirror. I am very happy with this dress. I bought it a couple weeks ago when Marlene and I went shopping.

I slip my plain black flats over my feet and head to the bathroom to flat iron my hair.I hum a soft tone to a song that played through the radio this morning while eating breakfast.

I am very excited, and a bit nervous, to attend Zeke's little celebration. I'm only sixteen, and most of his friends there will be eighteen.

(A/N: in the real Divergent book, I'm aware that new initiates are sixteen, but I am switching it up for this story. I am changing it because the plot I'm creating would definitely appear more believable if Tris was older)

I tie back my brown hair into a half-up half-down ponytail after flat ironing my hair. To finish everything off, I add a small amount of mascara to my eyelashes.

"I'm ready Uri!" I holler across the hallway.


My flats clatter on the marble tiles as Uriah and I stroll into the Dauntless cafe, called 'The Shack'.

I let Uriah step in first, since the butterflies in my stomach were nearly felt like they were about to erupt.

"Hey!" Zeke cheers "You two finally made it."

Dauntless members were scattered around the bar. They don't actually sell alcohol to under aged teens. You have to be sixteen to order alcohol, but they serve food and beverages as well.

I plop down on one of the bar stools next to Marlene.

"Hey Uriah, Tris," Zeke announces "These are my friends." Zeke points to a blonde, very pretty, long haired girl who reveals her pearly white smile. "This is Mia."

I can already see Shauna scowl in my peripheral vision.

Zeke points over to a dirty blonde haired boy with freckles and bright green eyes. "This is Riko." And then he moves his hands indicating toward the boy with the deep blue eyes. "And this is Four."

I don't remember his name, but I would have noticed if it was Four. Who would name their child Four? A number? I decide to let it go, since there must be a purpose for it.

On the other hand, Four does seem like an intimidating name. It makes him seem tough.

Four's eyes meet mine. I feel his eyes bore into mine, as if he was studying my every thought.

We don't do anything but stare at each other, until he unexpectedly glances away, averting his gaze to someone else.

A server approaches our group of people and kindly asks what we'd like to order. Everyone calls out different food and beverage names.

"You want to share a tray of fries?" Marlene suggests.

"Yeah, sure," I reply.

Marlene calls out our order as the male server jots down everything he can manage.

I feel a pair of eyes on my back, and I catch a glimpse of those deep blue eyes gazing back at mine.

"Hottie starin at you," I hear Marlene whisper in my ear.

She was right though, Four is good looking. His facial structure is very attractive. His nose is slightly hooked and his cheekbones and jawline curve perfectly.

I roll my eyes, denying her even thought I knew it was true. "He's not looking at me."

Mia and Zeke chat in the corner of the shack. I watch as Shauna's eyes bore angrily at them.

I feel bad, knowing that Zeke has no idea. I am positive Zeke has feelings for Shauna as well, but neither of them have enough guts to admit it to each other.

"She should just tell him," Marlene sighs.

"Agreed," I nod my head.

Our fries appear at the counter. My stomach grumbles and my mouth waters at the sight of them. I haven't had any dinner yet.

I pop a fry into my mouth, and savor the delicious taste. Marlene and I both eat the fries quickly since we had been hungry.

My hands felt greasy, and I felt I had to wash them.

"I'm going to use the bathroom," I tell Marlene.

I sit up and stride toward the left entrance.

After scrubbing all the oils from my fingers I step out of the women's bathroom only to collide with a hard, and muscular object.


Who do you guys think it is? Comment down below! I wanted to do a little cliffie to end chapter five :) Make sure to vote if you are enjoying the fanfic so far. Feel free to comment as well.

Love you guys!
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-hx7680 <3

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