Chapter 5

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Your POV:

I sat on my bed. Maybe she was coming to tell me she's sorry and that the team needs me. Yeah. Maybe...

I push my guilty conscious aside so I don't feel any worse about it.

She deserved this.

She did. If this was a prank, it wasn't very funny and I won't tolerate this!

I hate Audrey and I can see why Carlos and Mal were trying to protect me.

I can't believe I just pushed Carlos aside when he was just trying to help! I am terrible at relationships.

I should go find him and apologize, but he could be anywhere right now... Where to start?

I should check his room first.

I get up and guiltily walk down the hall to Carlos and Jay's room.

I knock on the door and wait. A few minutes later, Jay opens up and frowns at me.

"What do you want?" he growls.

"Is Carlos here?"

"Yes, but he doesn't want to see you."

I push my way through the door and see that Carlos isn't here.


"I don't know! If I did, I still wouldn't tell you." He growls.

"Thanks, for nothing." I match his tone.

I storm out. Jay REALLY gets on my nerves sometimes, and this... this is one of those times.

I walk out to the cliff where the sunset was watching me instead of the other way around.

I was on a mission. An apology mission.

I was on a mission to find Carlos.

I sat down and waited. He would come by. I know he would.


I turn and, sure enough, there was Carlos.

He sat next to me.

"Hey, Carlos." I feel slightly embarrassed.

"Are you okay?" He asks me.

"I'm fine. Are you okay? I kinda snapped at you... which, I am sorry for."

"I'm fine. I was just a little stunned. Hey, some things happen that we can't change, (f/n), and sometimes they're for the better. If you think about it, now we can hang out more!"

I shiver a bit at the late gust that brushed my skin and pulled my skin into goosebumps.

"Here." He drapes his jacket over my shoulder.


I lean my head on his shoulder.

He leans his head on mine and wraps his arm around me.

"So we're cool?" He asks.

"Yeah. We're cool."


When the sun has no traces left, Carlos walks me to my room.

"So, dinner tomorrow night?" He asks nudging his shoulder with mine while we're walking.

"Love to. Where are we going?"

"It's a secret."

"And you know how much I hate those."

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