10k Special!

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A/N: Didn't I just write the 5k reads? I'm so happy! (Happy Dance)

Your POV:

I lay on the bed breathing heavily.

The baby was coming. Carlos has no idea that his child's arrived.

I push and breathe until the baby is out and I fall back as they show me the bloodied child.

I smile and cry.

My hands goes to my mouth as the doctor says, "It's a healthy baby girl."


I wake up and Carlos is sitting there, deep in thought.


He looks at me and smiles.

"You didn't tell me."

"I had no time."

"I'm just glad you're okay. I didn't see her being born, nor was I there when she was, but I'm here for you... always."

"Thank you."

"What's her name going to be?"

"Serena. Serena De Vil."

He smiles at our last name.

I sit up and he hugs me.

The doctor walks in with his clipboard.

"Um, Mr. De Vil... Can we talk in the hallway?" He says nervously.

Carlos stands up and kisses my head.

I reach over to the phone and call Evie.


"Evie, it's me. She came."

"Really!? I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks. Carlos is talking to the doctor right now. I'll come see you guys when I get released in about three hours."

"Of course! Doug and I would love to have you two over!"


"Yeah!" Carlos reenters.

"Alright. I'm making dinner now, so I'll talk to you later, (f/n)."

"Okay. Bye!"


I put the phone back on the wall.

"(f/n), I have some really bad news..." He says with sadness.

"What is it?"

"The baby died... Something went wrong and she had SDS... She just stopped breathing..."

I cover my mouth and cried.

Carlos smiles, "No, I'm just kidding... She's fine. Just a few shits and low glucose. The real bad news is that your dad is here."

I glare at him...

"That's not something to joke about, Carlos!"

"Hey! Wow! Take a joke!"

"It's not funny, Carlos! That could have been serious!"

"But I wasn't serious, so I am going to go get your dad."

"This isn't over."

"Aw. Love you to."

I glare at him as he leaves.

When he comes back, my father walks over to me and hugs me.

"I'm so happy! I'm a grandpa to my baby girl!"

"Dad... Don't forget Doug has a son..."

"That is true... How's Jay and Mal...? Have you talked to them?"

"Not in a while... Although, I must say that I'm kind of glad she's here so I can get back to work."

"You don't need to worry about me, (f/n)... I'll be fine with the kids."

"I'm trusting you with my child, Dad..."

The doctor walks in... again...

"Would you like to see her?"

I nod excitedly.

He brings her in, a few minutes later.

I am handed her and she has Carlos's eyes.

I look at Carlos.

"She has her daddy's eyes." I tell him.

She looks at Carlos and laughs.

"I think she likes me."

"She can like you all she wants because I love you the most." I tell him.

He kisses me and I turn to my father.

"This has been a great day, don't you think?"

A/N: Good News! I AM making a sequel in January! Long time, I know, but I need to come up with ideas for now and who k nows maybe I'll make it before then. Thanks for 10k! Happy Summer, and I'll see you real soon (probably literally)


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