Chapter 17

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Your POV:

I had gotten home. Carlos is staying in the guest room in our house. That's why I couldn't stay there and why Doug had me stay in his.

My question is: How'd he get here so fast if, when we left, he was still in Auradon?

I shrug it off. We took the long way. That was my decision because the ride had seemed longer than when I went here the first time.

I wonder how everyone else is, being on spring break and all.

Eh, I don't have to worry about it.


I hug Carlos and go to bed.

I tossed and turned.

Tomorrow's my birthday?

How long has it been like that?

What exactly do you do at a birthday?

How old will I be?

These questions pondered me for hours.

I finally fell asleep.

I woke up at dawn and saw that everyone was still sleeping.

I got dressed as silently as a mouse and slipped on a jacket.

I left a note on the counter and went out to the docks by the lake.

I watched the sun peek it's head out and smile across the lake.

The fish busy themselves with who knows what.

I just sit there.

To be honest, I've never really been swimming. We were going to at Audrey's, but we decided to go horseback riding instead.

That trip was, surprisingly, fun! Although, her parents seem to ignore her... Much like mine...

Today is my birthday.

I am sitting on the docks wondering what exactly a birthday is and why Isle Villains don't celebrate it. I know they know what it is.

Maleficent got upset when she wasn't invited to Aurora's crimsoning. I know they know, but the question is: Why? Why don't they celebrate their child's birthday?

Is it because they think it'll make us go soft?


"Morning, Carlos."

"Happy Birthday."


"Why are you out here all alone on your birthday?"

"Figured I'd watch the sunset on my first ever, that I've known of, birthday."

He wraps his arm around me and I lean my head on his shoulder.

"If I'm having a birthday, I'm glad to be spending it with you."

"It's not just me."

"Well, Doug's here and-"

"Hey, (f/n)! Happy Birthday!" I hear behind me from multiple voices.

I turn.

I gasp....

"Mal, Evie, Jay? You're here to?"

"Just arrived for your birthday. Carlos is leaving with us tonight."

"You guys! This is awesome. Thank you."

They smile and hug me.

"Evie, does Doug know you're here?"

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