22 | Scandal

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"So, I finally grew a pair and asked her out." I nodded, finishing my story.

My three bandmates sat in front of me in a semi-circle, staring at me as I told them how me and Ashley started dating.

"So.. When's your anniversary?" Luke asked.

"29th of April." I smiled.

"That day is gonna be special to you, now, isn't it?" Calum teased. I blushed.

"Well, yeah.. I guess.." I mumbled.

Luke wrapped his arms around Aleisha, whispering in her ear about something that made them both smile. He kissed her cheek, pulling her onto his lap.

"Let's call her over." Ashton said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Why are you against it? You know you wanna be with her." Calum smirked.

"Why are you all up in my pants today?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Why are you so moody? Haven't seen you girlfriend in a while?"

It was true. It's been almost a week since I saw her. After we got our ice creams, her mom called, saying she needed her back home and that she started to worry. So she went home, and then school started. And so did work. So I haven't seen her in a while since we've both been very busy. I've got my school project, band practice, family time and all.

Luke dialed someone's number, probably Ashley's, and got up to call her.

I bubbled up a conversation between us and Aleisha, and she said she got a new cat a few days ago. She really loves it, and says she's planning to get a male one, so they can mate and breed little kittens.

Luke walked back in the room, putting his phone back in his back pocket. "Ashley will be over in five minutes."

As if rehearsed, Ashley rang the doorbell. I got up and opened the door to greet her with a kiss, but it was another girl whom I didn't know.

"Hello! Are you Michael Clifford?" She asked in a chirpy voice.

"Yes, and who are you?" I answered.

"I'm Meredith, but you can call me Mae." She smiled sweetly.

"And.. can I help you?" I tried to be as enthusiastic as she was, but it's lunch time on a Sunday and I haven't eaten.

"I just wanted to tell you that..." Her cute act completely faded away as she put up a seductive one. She traced circles on my upper arm, biting her lip and walking closer to me. "I really like you, and we're both two horny teenagers. Take me upstairs, to your room, lock the doors, undress me, and we can go on all day long."

She whispered in my ear. I felt disgusted. She started trailing her lips up my neck, but I pushed her off.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I yelled. I was angry.

"Aw, come on, I know you have gone for so long without sex. I'm here to give it to you, babe. It'll be quick, I promise. And I'm up for kinks." She winked, taking in her bottom lip which was painted red in between her teeth.

"Ew, please, no. Do you know anyone named Abigail Breslin?" I was curious if this was a set up between me and Abigail.

"Uh, no." She furrowed her eyebrows. "But I do know how good it'll feel in the shower."

"Please stop. Look, I've got a girlfriend who I love with all my heart and I will not fall for whatever you're trying to do. If you want a release, there are millions of porn sites out there. I've got recommendations if you want. But please, just go away. How did you even find me? Look, you know what, nevermind. I don't care. Just get yourself away from me and find someone else who isn't taken. I love a girl with the name Ashley Frangipane, and that's not you."

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