5 | Acoustic Hangout

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I stared at my hair in the reflection of my mirror. The dye I bought was cheap and stupid and it completely faded away a short while later. Now my hair was back to it's usual color.

"Ashley, baby?" My mother called.


She knocked on my door and opened it two seconds later. "Phone for you."

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Ashton." She handed over the phone and I placed it to my ear.

"Yeah?" I spoke.

"Ashley! Me and the band have decided to do an Acoustic Hangout. It's where we gather people who like our music and chill at an open area and play our music." He said.

"So...?" I didn't catch on.

"We want you to come with us!" He was so excited about everything.

"Sure. I need to get some hair dye, too. Should I go over to your house first?" I ask.

"Yeah. You can come in, door's unlocked. Also, wear something nice. You never know what's gonna happen." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"I'll be over in an hour." I said, hanging up.

I began getting ready. I took a shower and blow-dried my hair. I styled it in a half updo. I just wore a Nirvana crop top and ripped skinny jeans. I winged my liner thickly and put on some Converse. I bleached my hair to get the ombré effect when I dyed it blue. So now it was black at the very top of my head then it faded to brown and at the tips it was blonde.

I brought my phone in my pocket and my wallet in my other pocket. I told my mom about my plans for today. She told me to be safe and I kissed her cheek. I walked over to Ashton's house and knocked the door.

"Ashley!" Luke said as he saw me.

"Hey, Lucas." He groaned which made my smirk grow wider.

"That is not my name!" He growled.

"It's not? I'm sorry, Lucas." I teased.

"Aleisha! Look at Ashley! She's being a big meanie." He pouted, pointing to me. I pushed past him and got into the house. I saw Aleisha walking my direction.

"Hey, Al!" I said, hugging her. She hugged me back and smiled at me.

"I gotta take care of Lukey here. Hold on." She said, patting my arm and walking to Luke. I turned around and saw his face light up at the sight of her. She tiptoed and he bent down and they shared a loving embrace.

"You guys are so cute." I shook my head and turned back around. I walked to the living room to find the boys practising in the living room. Ashton sat on the box and Michael sat on the sofa. Calum sat cross-legged on the floor.

"Hey Ashley." They all said in unison as I entered.

"Hey boys." I smiled. "Ooh, Cal, you look nice in a beanie."

"Why, thank you." He said cheekily.

Michael groaned and got up, shaking his head as he walked away.

"Sporting red jeans, are we?" I teased Ashton.

He sighed. "Ashley you gotta stop that."

"What?" My smile turned into a frown. "What did I do?"

"You must try to stop complimenting us even if you're joking. Michael goes all ape and he lets it out on us. We're about to have a session with our fans, I don't want him to mess this all up." Ashton explained. "Please fix him?"

I was still confused but I nodded anyways. "Sure."

I walked to where Michael went. He was standing at the kitchen, hands gripping the counter's edge. His back was facing me. His knuckles were white and he seemed to be so stressed.

"Michael?" I asked, placing my hand on his shoulder. He shrugged me off and turned away from me. "Michael, what's wrong?"

"I don't know, Y/N. Why not try asking yourself?!" He snapped, his face showing me complete anger. Then he softened. "I'm sorry. Everything's just messed up right now."

"Remember what I told you in the car? If anything's wrong, feel free to tell me. I won't judge, I swea-"

"I can't. That's the thing. I can't tell you." He shrugged, cutting me off. He shook his head and smiled softly at me. "I'm sorry, but there's no other way."

I started to tear up. "Michael, we're friends. Friends help each other. I wanna help you. I don't wanna lose one more."

"You're not gonna lose me." He stepped closer to me then he stopped. "Wait, more?"

I nodded. "I lost my best friend two years ago. She jumped to her death. She didn't tell me what's wrong and then she was just plummeting. I don't want that happening anymore."

He hesitantly reached his arms out and wiped away my tears. "It's nothing bad, I swear. Just very confusing."

"You promise me you're alright? Nothing bad?" I asked.

"Yes, I promise." He whispered. His gaze shifted from my eyes to my lips and slowly started to lean in. Just as I was about to flutter my eyes shut, he pushed me away. "Sorry."

"No, it's okay." That was about to be my first kiss.

We walked back to the boys and their conversation came to halt.

"Do you guys mind if I steal Ashton for a bit?" I asked hesitantly. I looked to Michael and he was staring at the floor.

"No." They all said, Ashton about to stand.

"Michael? You don't mind?" I asked him, looking at him in the eyes.

"No, not at all." He said, biting his bottom lip right after.

I looked at Ashton and held my hand out for him to come follow me. He grabbed my hand and gave me a look. I just widened my eyes and looked over at Michael who stared at our interwined hands.

Once we were out of earshot, I began my interrogation.

"Ash, does Michael like me?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well, if you put it like that-"

"Why is he 'confused'?" I used air quotiations.

"Well, I started it." He sighed. His nose turned red and so did his eyes, indicating he was about to cry.

"If you don't mind me asking, h-how?" I asked hesitantly.

"It started on a weekend in May..."


I decided one more bc why not?

I just got a call from my best friend and I think she was crying, she sounded like she was crying. She told me the latest news and what was going on. I won't tell what because of privacy reasons. I asked her what it was and she said she just wanted someone to talk to. I told her everything was gonna be okay. My heart was thumping in my chest, no exaggeration. I wanted to tell her how worried I was but the line got cut off.

She hasn't called me back since. I hope she's okay.

19th December 2015

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