42 | Alone In a Crowded Room

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Three days left and he's still busy doing shit without me. But tonight, he invited me to their party at this beach house they're planning on renting. A new band house, I suppose.

The boys will be there and I was allowed to bring Emily and Cheyenne. So I will, afraid that Michael will leave me once again so I at least have backup.

I know it's kind of pathetic that I have to depend on other people to keep me company when my own boyfriend is hosting this 'little' get together. And what makes me doubt our relationship more is that I know for a fact that he's gonna leave me be.

Sighing to myself, I focused on curling my lashes. I looked in the mirror and checked my outfit. I was wearing a knee-length royal blue dress with an inch of slits at the sides and flats, my hair was dyed in a new color and I did my makeup only slightly. Then, a wild idea popped in my mind.

Maybe if I dressed attractively and put an effort into my physical appearance, I might make Michael want me. Or maybe I'd be pretty enough for him to be proud to show me off. Shrugging, I thought, why not I give it a shot?

I quickly changed from my proper outfit to something tighter, less revealing, and something enticing. I knew it'd lure him to him and I can't wait for the plan to work.

I called Cheyenne and asked if Emily was ready. They got ready together. I was slightly jealous of that, but I understood that Michael had to prepare the place for the get together.

Cheyenne said that Emily was ready and she wasn't so I told them to be ready quick because I was already. It was half past six and I thought why not doll myself up a little more?

I made my makeup look a lot more sexier and instead of a pale pink, I slathered on a deep crimson red lipstick. Just a few more touch-ups and then it was fifteen to seven already.

I grabbed a clutch and stuffed my needs into it, getting in the car and driving off to Emily's house.

The place was about a ten-minute drive from mine, so I didn't mind giving them a ride. Emily's house was a walk away from mine, imagine a drive.

Picking them up, I covered up my cringe with a wide grin at their matching outfits. They both wore a black and white dress, with the same silver glittery heels, and their makeup was done slightly similarly. But something was different, I saw a ring on both their ring fingers.

I didn't say anything about it, though. As I drove off, I turned on the radio so I wouldn't have to eavesdrop on their couple talk.

See, the reason why we dressed up so nicely was because the boys invited a shit ton of old guy friends, and Luke said there'll be booze. So, in other words, it's gonna be a party.

As I parked on the driveway, I saw Calum ushering Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat in.

No. Fucking. Way.

I doubled checked my teeth, earrings, eyeliner and pulled my dress just a little bit lower and got out, Emily and Cheyenne holding hands to support each other because maybe the heels were a little too high. I laughed at them and they both flushed a deep red. It only made me laugh harder, though. Then I saw Kellin Quinn and Ashton talking at the doorway and my breath caught in my throat. How are all these famous people here?

Kellin and Ashton entered and then Michael stood there to see if there were anyone else when he saw us. His face lit up and he walked out to greet me. "Babe! You're looking so gorgeous. Good God, since when were you this hot?"

I suddenly grew very shy, despite the way I dressed. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and he watched intently. I saw Cheyenne and Emily enter the house from over Michael's left shoulder. "This is new." He grabbed a chunk of my hair and observed it.

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