Ideal Man

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Hunter decided to slow down with Annabella so after having lunch with her a week ago, he didn't contact her despite the strong urge to send her even a single message. Though he knew that he will only torture himself, he'll be a friend of her first. She has still reservation from others and unfortunately he belongs to that category then he is going to slowly break that wall she built.

"You looked excited. So what did the two of you talked about?" Blake asked him while they are looking at Annabella and her friends who are currently enjoying a game together with Devin. Bamba and Toya are with them as well.

He smirked. "She is going with me to see Mom."

Blake acted like he was really surprised. "Wow. Really? That's so fast."

He laugh. "Bastard." And he suddenly wonders if Annabella will tell that trip to her friends. "It was even an innocent invitation."

Blake grinned. "I don't see any innocence in you."

He laugh again. "When it comes to her, my intention is very pure and I am aiming to be her friend."

"Friend my ass. You wanted more than that."

He inhale deeply. "Of course but I don't want to scare her."

Blake snorted. "If you just made a move already before, you probably her boyfriend now. Or maybe her husband."

That startled him. Blake nailed the What If question that he was trying to forget until now. It seems he was the scared one after all.

"Blake! Hunter! Come over here!" They looked at Devin who is definitely enjoying being in the festival then Blake stands up after tapping his shoulder.

"Well, we are just here to support you even you are stupid sometimes."

Hunter only chuckled then follow his friend. Of course he knew how supportive his friends are. Later on, they went to a restaurant for dinner.

"So...are you guys all single?" Skylar asked them when they started to eat.

"We are." Devin answered her.

"Why?" Brooke asked.

"We are still enjoying making the girls at The Fortress happy." Blake answered with a smug face.

Devin laugh together with the two girls while Hunter just chuckled. When he glanced at Annabella, she was just smiling in amusement.

"How about you?" Blake asked Skylar and Brooke.

"Well, Brooke and I went on hiatus on having a boyfriend because we wanted our dear friend Bella to have a boyfriend first. Our mantra at the moment is not to be in a relationship until Bella will finally have one. So technically our happily ever after depends on her now."

Hunter friends together with Brooke and Skylar laugh while he just chuckled as Bella hit Skylar's arm while having a bright red face. She was obviously shy. How cute.

"What's your ideal man, Bella?" Blake asked her and that question triggers his curiosity. Big time. "Maybe we could help you to find that particular man."

"I don't have one."

"Come on, Bella. Don't be shy." Brooke tapped her arm. "You told us before something about that."

When Bella pout, Hunter groan inwardly. Darn it. "I don't remember anymore."

"Geez!" Skylar rolled her eyes. "You once said that a guy must be cute, funny, a guy who could dress well and loves chicken."

"Oh! That's me!" Devin exclaimed that made them laugh. "If in case you girls didn't know, my sideline job is being a model."

"Really?!" Devin nodded while smiling widely. "Brooke was the same."

"Let's should be in a runway fashion show together someday."

Brooke giggled. "Sure!"

After the dinner ended, Hunter and his friends parted their ways with Annabella and her friends.

"It seems you are eligible to be Annabella's ideal man." Blake said while driving.

Hunter chuckled. "I'll tell Mom to make a different kind of chicken dishes."

Blake and Devin only laugh. Later on, they dropped Hunter and Toya off at The Fortress because the two are staying at an apartment together while his house was in the middle of forest which was definitely far from the city so he normally stays in The Fortress where there's an enough space for him to sleep.

After checking with his staff that everything is going good, he went to the room then placed Toya together with Hoya. When the two started to play with each other, he laid himself on the bed and smiled as Annabella's face popped up in his mind. He first met her at the orphanage where he and his friends used to live. They were teens that time and she was with her parents for a feeding program then while observing her, he realized that she was like a bird in a cage. She was too cautious on her own actions and it seems she was not totally happy on the life she has. Well, upon hearing her story a week ago, he was correct after all. She just loved her parents and grandmother too much so she can't afford to disobey them. Then he found himself smiling widely as he suddenly remembered the kiss he stole from her. He couldn't help it, she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and since she didn't remember him, he'd no wonder if she didn't remember that stolen kiss as well.

Then two years after he got adopted, he saw her again at the burial of her parents and he was already a college student that time. Apparently, his adopted mother was an acquaintance of her parents and unfortunately, he didn't have a chance to talk to her because of the tight security so he just observed her. She was crying the whole time and her friends were just with her. After that day, he started to follow her. Well, stalking her according to Blake. He knew he could be sued but of course he meant no harm. He only wanted to see her everyday and his Mom knew his fascination with her so she'll definitely be ecstatic once he visited her together with Annabella.

On the next few days, Hunter has been exchanging messages with Annabella so he really felt good.

Happy anniversary again to your shelter. He already sent a message her this morning but he sent another message because he simply wanted to have a conversation with her.

Thank you and for the flowers as well. They were lovely. There is even a smiley emoticon.

Great. Too bad we are really full tonight. If he can only cancel others just to accommodate her.

It's okay. I know how the women love The Fortress.

And that does not include you?

Sort of. But your business is doing well so that what matters most.

He chuckled. Have a fun night.

Thank you. You too!

After that message, Hunter went down to his office room and start to work then an hour passed, Blake entered.

"You won't really go at the shelter's anniversary?" Blake asked.

He shakes his head. "It's her night. I don't want others to tease her because of my presence."

Blake grinned. "You could have used that as an opportunity."

He smirked. "I have lots of opportunity anyway."

Blake chuckled. "Macy is inviting you and Devin as well on her wedding this weekend." He stopped for a while so Blake chuckled again. "Macy confirmed that Annabella and her friends will be there."

He smiled widely. "Count me in then."

Blake only laugh. Then two days after, the wedding finally happened.

"Oh lots of babe are here but can't see my babes Brooke, Skylar and Annabella yet." Devin said while looking around the church but Hunter already found them and Annabella's current appearance automatically made his heart thumped wildly. Damn. She looked gorgeous on her white simple dress. "Oh there they are!" Devin waved at them. The two waved at him back while Annabella only smiled. "Wow. You all looked lovely today."

Brooke and Skylar giggled while Annabella only smiled again. "Same to you guys. The three of you looked respectable at the moment." Skylar said teasingly.

Blake and Devin grinned while Hunter just chuckled.

"Everyone, go to your place now. We are going to start in few minutes." The organizer shouts.

"See you around boys." Then Skylar and Brooke already pulled Annabella.

As the ceremony starts, Hunter focused himself in simply staring at Annabella. Her wavy hair was laid down freely so he was itched to run his fingers through her hair. Good thing his position has a good spot so he was not that obvious. Then he felt Devin nudged his side. "What?" He whispered.

"Don't stare too much. She might melt down." Devin whispered back.

Blake cleared his throat so both of them looked at the front instead. Later on, the ceremony finally ended. After everyone congratulated the newly wedding couple, Hunter and his friends walk towards Annabella and her friends.

"Are you going to stay longer?" Devin asked them.

Brooke snorted. "No. The  Cinderella needs to go home now."

Hunter looked at Annabella, hoping she would answer his silent question and it seems it reached her as she smiled apologetically. "I have some sudden visitors so I need to go back to my apartment now." Then she looked at her friends. "I told you already that I can just take a cab. Stay here and enjoy the rest of the day."

"Your grandmother is going to kill us if we will let you ride a cab alone."

"I can drive for you." Hunter found himself saying those words.

She immediately shakes her hands. "Oh no need. I'll be fine by myself."

"Don't be stubborn Bella. It's either Hunter will drive for you or we will all leave this venue together."

She sigh. "But I don't want to be a killjoy to both of you."

Skylar smiled widely. "Then let Hunter drive you home. He seems harmless anyway."

He chuckled as she groan. "I drive safely."

She hesitated for a moment. "What about Devin and Blake?"

"Come on, we are all big boys already. We can handle ourselves and your friends. They are perfectly safe with us." Devin said with a smug face.

"So..." Hunter grinned. "Let's go?"

Annabella stared at him for a while until she nodded. "Thank you."

He winked at her. "Anytime." Few minutes passed, Annabella is already with him on his car. "Who are your visitors?" He asked her as he started to drive.

"My childhood friends."

He frowned. "So you have other friends aside from Skylar and Brooke?"

She nodded. "They were my friends first because their family is our family friend then they migrated when I entered middle school but we remain our communication and they still visiting me every year."

Now he already knew who those persons are. Clarke and Chase Cross. Darn it. He knew of course what these men's role in Annabella's life. And he didn't like it. "I see. How long they will stay here?"

"That's what I don't know yet but I think for two to three days only. They supposed to come at the shelter's anniversary but something came up to their family business then earlier, I got a surprised message from Grandma Vita that they are at her house and I need to be there for dinner."

"Why do you need to go back to your apartment?"

For some reason, her face flush in embarrassment. "I need to change my clothes."

He frowned. "What for? You looked more than fine."

She bites her lower lip. "Grandma Vita will not like what I wore."

He got startled. "Seriously?" When she nodded, he sigh. "I don't see any wrong on your dress." She looked so damn beautiful.

"I can't explain it very well but believe me, she will really not like what I am wearing."

"But you like what you're wearing?"


Then he found himself stopping his car at the side. "I know how much you love your grandmother but don't let that love hinder your own happiness. You already got your freedom two years ago so you should start showing her the real you and your independence will be useless if you still worry about her opinion. If she really loves you, she will eventually accept the changes in your life and they are not bad anyway."

She became silent for a while until she inhale deeply. "Can you drive me to her house instead?"

He grinned. "Sure."

Later on, he parked his car outside of a huge house. "Thank you for accompanying me."

"You're welcome. I am not only your nurse now, I am your driver too. What could be the next?"

She giggled. "Maybe my conscience."

He laugh. "I thought you will say prince charming." When her face flush, he chuckled. "Get inside now and send me a message how it goes."

She nodded then smiled. "Thank you again."

He smirked. "Some things does not come for free Miss Annabella."

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