Trust (R)

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As Annabella open her eyes, a wide smile automatically formed on her lips because she now understands what good sore means. She only heard about it whenever her friends talks about sex before but right now, she actually experiencing it. She checks herself and can't feel any regret because she knew that Hunter wouldn't hurt her. Deliberately of course. In fact, she was even grateful to him because he really did not take advantage of her. If only she didn't put an act about slipping in his bathroom, most probably she'll go back in the city with her virginity. Then she smiled in giddiness because she was able to pull that stint. Her friends are going to really get surprised once they know what she did.

"Care to tell me what's going on your beautiful mind again?" Hunter said from her back.

She giggled then turned around and saw him half asleep. "What's make you think that I am thinking something?"

He chuckled then slowly opens his sleepy eyes. "I know you."

She released a throaty laugh. "I wasn't thinking anything. I'm just happy."

He smirked then pulled her more against him and closed his eyes as he tucked her head under his chin. "Really?"

She nodded. "Are we going to spend our whole day here in your bed?"

"No but we are not going to do anything until tomorrow."

She lifted her head then pout. "Why?"

He inhale deeply. "I did not use any protection last night. It's not that I don't want you to mother my future kids but I don't want to corrupt you for the meantime."

Her eyes glow. It's time to tell him. "You don't have to worry about that because I am protected."

He frowned. "I did not see you taking any pill."

She giggled then buried her face into his neck. "I am doing a contraceptive injection every three months." Then she laugh as she found her back pressed on the bed while he is towering over her.

"Why?" He looks curious and excited at the same time.

"Because I have hormonal imbalance since I was a teenager but on my next check up which would be next month, my doctor will determine if there's still a need for me to continue it." This information was not really something worth bragging as this was too personal and thankfully, she can no longer feel the signs of hormonal imbalance for almost a year already.

"So that means we still have more days."

She grinned. "Few more weeks actually so you better take advantage of the opportunity because soon, you maybe needed to be coated or wait for the safe days." Oh boy. She can't believe that she's saying these kind of words. Well, all information that her friends talked about before somehow became a stock knowledge. Or maybe she found already the right man to show her other side. The real Annabella. Not the very obedient granddaughter of the infamous Vita Ferreiro.

He groan. "You little witch."

She grinned more. "Not your baby anymore?"

He pressed his lips on her forehead and to her dismay, he moved out from the bed then smiled widely at her because he noticed her obvious reaction. "Let's not waste time, baby."

She only giggled. When the next day comes, Bella felt like she doesn't want to go back yet but they have to. She wanted to reconcile with her grandmother.


She nodded then looked at him with worry. "Please don't get intimated with Grandma Vita."

Hunter chuckled. "I'll be fine."

As they reached her grandmother's house, Bella got surprised to learn that her grandmother has been hospitalized for two days already so they hurriedly went to the hospital and was about to enter the room when Hunter stopped her arm.

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