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As soon as Hunter saw Annabella after her appointment with the doctor, he knew that there is something wrong despite of her smile. He just let her keep it on her own because he knew that she'll eventually tell it to him. So seeing her crying like this, something definitely happened and it's obviously not good.

"Hush..." He massaged her back then cupped her face. "Tell me now what your doctor really told you."

She nodded as she sniffed and despite her dishevelled appearance, she still look cute to him. "I can now have normal menstrual cycle..." He only nodded. "But..." She sniffed again. Damn. She really look so cute at the moment so he was trying very hard not to look amused. "There's only lower chance for me to get pregnant."

That stunned him. What the hell. "Why?"

She sniffed once more. "It is the contraceptive injection's side effect."

He sigh then hugged her. "Is there any solution to that?"

"I can take a medication but it's still not guaranteeing anything."

Too much medication will possibly damage her internally as well and he doesn't want it to happen. "Then let's hold to that lower chance."

She got startled then lifted her head up. "Really?"

He chuckled as he wipe off her tears. "Yeah."

She hiccupped. "Are you not mad at me?"

"I am not mad but I honestly feel a little bit sad and disappointed about it." Then he cupped her face. "Why you thought that I would get mad at you?"

She hiccupped again. "Because I can be barren." Then she burst out crying. "What if you find another woman that can give you many children?"

He found himself smiling in amusement. "Bella, if that's the case, I shouldn't have waited for you."

She bites her lower lip. "I just don't like this feeling that I am not good enough for you."

His chest pound hard then kissed her forehead. What is this woman saying? He is already so damn lucky to have her. "You are more than enough for me. Whether you can or cannot give me many children in the future."

She stared at him. "Really?"

"Yeah." Then he wiped off her tears again. "We can adopt anyway. But that's our last option, understand?"

She nodded. "Understand." Then she suddenly throw herself on him so he lost his balance and she fell on top of him. "Sorry." She smiled sheepishly and she knelt down between his legs when he seated at the floor then she smiled. "I love you Hunter."

He smiled back. "I love you too." Then she looked at him in anticipation when his hand went to her nape. "Don't ever think that you are not good enough for me. I was the one who truly not good enough for you. I don't deserve someone like you."

She pout as she hit his chest. "What are you saying? You deserve everything in this world. You are such a good man."

He chuckled as he couldn't believe that she is thinking like this about him. "I am not like that."

She snorted. "You are truly like that."

He laugh softly. "If you say so." Then he put his face closer to hers and kissed her, first on the lips, then on the side of her neck.

She moan then put her hands on his shoulders. "We still have party to attend, right?"

He groan as he buried his face to her shoulder blade. "I changed my mind again."

She giggled then pushed him. "I'll just fix my face."

He smirked. "There's nothing to fix on your face. You are perfect already even without make up."

She rolled her eyes. "My eyes are swollen. Skylar and Brooke will surely notice it." Then she abruptly stands up and went to the bathroom.

As Hunter waits for her, he went into deep thinking. Why Annabella could easily say that he is a good man? As far as he is concerned, he wasn't anything like that. He was just really thankful to Lauren because he was just a nobody and yet she adopted him. Everything he has right now is because of Lauren so he hasn't really any something to brag about to Annabella. And he will still make his wife even she cannot give him children. Because he was just simply madly in love with her.

Then he blinked his eyes when he felt that Annabella went out from the bathroom who is now looking so beautiful. It's like she didn't cry a river earlier. "Let's go?"

He chuckled then grasped her hand. "Stick with me always."

Her eyes spark in amusement. "Like this?" Then she playfully pressed herself on his side.

He growled. "Don't tempt me, baby."

She only laugh. As they entered the basement, his grasped to her hand tightens because they gathered some attention now. Then he chuckled when Devin saw them and waved at them like he never seen them for years.

"Glad you both are here now!" Since the surrounding is too noisy, Devin shouted as they reached their table. 

He smirked then as he tapped Blake's shoulder who just smiled at him, Annabella hugged and greeted her friends followed by his friends.

"We are so happy to see you here!" Skylar said as she and Brooke squeezed Annabella in between them.

"True!" Then Brooke stands up and grasped Annabella's hands. "Let's dance!"

Annabella was obviously shocked by her friends invitation so she keep on shaking her head but Skylar and Brooke are definitely determined to bring her on the dance floor so when she looked at him like she was seeking his help, Hunter just nodded and gave her an encouraging smile then he laugh as she glared at him.

As Annabella got pulled over to the dance floor, Hunter ordered something to drink for her and him.

"Good thing, you were able to persuade your lady love to come here."

Hunter smirked at Blake. "There's nothing really a persuasion happened. She was actually now open to come in events like this."

"That's good then." 

"Look at your Bella, still so cute even she looked awkward and stiff."

Hunter grinned upon hearing Devin's comment. "She'll eventually learn how to overcome her awkwardness in places like this." Then he observes the surrounding. "How's everything here?"

"Seems okay. The security team is not yet reporting anything to me." Blake answered.

Hunter nodded. "How about the kitchen and the drinks?"

"Perfect of course!" Devin gave him thumbs up sign.

He chuckled then as he drink his whiskey, Annabella and her friends are walking towards them.

"You guys are no fun! Why all of you are just seating here?" Brooke said.

Blake smirked. "Then let's have fun."

"Alright!" Devin said then stands up and pulled Brooke and Blake on the dance floor.

Skylar raised an eyebrow at him and Annabella. "What about you two?"

"Don't mind us. Just have fun."

She only rolled her eyes then followed others on the dance floor. After Hunter pulled Annabella beside him, he laugh as she elbowed him. "I thought we should stick with each other tonight?"

He laugh again. "Your friends were too excited to be your first dance tonight."

She snorted then looked at the table. "Can I drink any here?"

"No." Then he get the drink he ordered for her. "Here."

"Can this make me drunk?"

He frowned. "Are you planning to get drunk?"

She smiled sheepishly. "Not really. But I haven't experience yet how to get drunk."

He felt that his burrows almost fused together. Imagining her being drunk is not pleasant to his mind. "Getting drunk is not allowed."

She pout. "You are no fun."

He poked her side. "Getting drunk is not really a funny thing. Trust me. I looked wasted every time I get so many drinks."

She rolled her eyes as she drink. "Yeah, right." 

He chuckled. "Once I got drunk, you're not going to like me anymore."

She pout again. "I don't believe you."

"You have to."

"Then prove it."

He only smirked then the party continues until almost everyone is drunk already.

"You still okay?" Annabella asked after they leave the dance floor.

Hunter hiccupped a bit then buried his face into her neck. "Yeah and I am now officially drunk. Don't like me anymore?"

She hit his thigh. "Yeah. I don't anymore."

He lifted his head then pout at her. "So mean." Then his head fell down on her shoulder blade. "I love you Annabella..." He murmured.


He lifted his head again then stared at her. "How do I look right now?"

She giggled. "Ugly."

He laugh then looked at the surrounding.  Their friends are still obviously enjoying the night but he already wanted to be alone with his little witch so he stands up and good thing that despite his drunkenness, he still somehow sober. "I'll just tell them that we will be leaving now."

She stands up as well. "You sure that you are really okay?"

He grinned. "Of course, baby. I can even drive us safely."

She pout. "No. I will be the one to drive and..." She pushed him to sit down. "I'll be the one to tell them that we are now leaving." Before he could even react, she already left and went to the dance floor then she go back to their area with their friends.

"You are not totally drunk, right?" Devin asked Hunter.

He chuckled. "Yeah but Bella insisted that she'll drive."

Blake smirked at her. "Don't worry about Hunter. He still can drive safely."

She snorted. "No. I'll drive and that's final." Then she hugged her friends. "Be careful okay?"

Her friends hugged her back. "You two as well."

"Let's party again like this, okay?"

She only smiled. As they exited the basement, Annabella is holding Hunter's hand tightly as if she was thinking that he will collapse anytime.

"Baby, I am still okay." He said as they reached his car.

She opened the driver's door. "Still, I am going to drive."

He chuckled as they both entered his car.  "It hurts to know that you don't trust my driving skill."

She rolled her eyes. "It is better like this. I don't want to end this night at the police station because I am with a drunk driver."

He laugh. "Alright. Anyway, if you wanted to get drunk, we can just drink at your apartment."

She suddenly became excited. "Tonight?"

He grinned. "No. Next time."

"You are no fun!"

He smirked. "Because I have other plans tonight."

Her face only flush. As soon as they reached Annabella's apartment, Hunter brought her to her room and made love to her.

When he woke up, Annabella is not on the bed anymore and while smelling the pillow she used, his chest pound hard as a realization hit him. He quickly stirred up then went down after putting the small box in his pajama's pocket and when he saw her at the kitchen, warmth covered him and he wanted to have mornings like this as soon as possible. "Good morning, baby."

She got startled then turned around and smiled. "Good morning. Breakfast is almost ready." As she turned her attention back in cooking, he walked towards her and her body got tensed when he enveloped his arms around her waist then put his chin above her shoulder. "I am still learning how to cook very well so don't judge my current skill at the moment."

He chuckled. "Whatever it is, I am going to eat nonetheless."

She snorted. "I am going to ask Devin on how I'll improve."

"There's no need to rush so don't ask him anymore."

She elbowed him. "It will take me more time."

"It's fine. I am not going anywhere anyway." Then he kissed her bare shoulder. "You must know already that I have so much endurance when it comes to you."

She tilted her head and pout at him. "Jerk."

He grinned then squeezed her body against him. "Can I ask you something?"

She turned off the stove and turned around to face him. "What is it?"

He smiled sheepishly but his heart is thumping wildly on his chest. "Since your apartment is too big for you, would you mind if me, Toya and Hoya will move in here with you?"

Her eyes widen and shake her head immediately. "I don't mind of course!" Then she gasped as he knelt down and pulled the little box out from his pocket. He was browsing online for rings a week ago and first planned to just give a ring to her as an anniversary gift but he decided to buy another type of ring instead as he felt that there's no need to prolong what he truly wants.
"Bella..." He stared seriously at her. "I know things are getting fast between us for you but for me, since the first time I ever saw you, I already set my mind that I am going to make you my wife no matter what. So..." He pulled out the ring from the box then get her hand and stared intensely at her. "Will you marry me?"

Her eyes get teary instantly. "Even I could possibly not give you children?"

His face softens. "Of course. But you have to know that I never give up. Let's try and try until the last option we could have is to adopt."

She bites her lower lip then smiled at him. "I love you so much Hunter and yes, I'll marry you."

He smiled widely while his heart rejoiced then after putting the ring into her finger, he quickly stands up and kissed her deeply. "I love you too. Let's get married as soon as possible."

His little witch smiled playfully. "Later then?"

He only laugh.

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