Mystery Man

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Oh boy. It's him again. Bella stopped for a moment when she saw a familiar silhouette on the other side of the street.  

"Something's wrong?" Skylar and Brooke stopped as well. 

She looked back at them then shakes her head. "I think I saw that man again." 

"Really?" Skylar tilted herself, obviously trying to catch the man with her own eyes. "Where?" 

Bella sigh as they continue to walk. "He's gone already." 

The two sigh as well. "It's getting really creepy already." 

"Yeah. You should tell this to your husband." 

"I will. When I got home but..." She inhale deeply. "It's been a while since I last saw him." 

The two groan as they entered the mall. Her friends accompanied Bella as she wanted to buy present for Hunter's mother. Lauren's birthday is this upcoming weekend so they are going to visit her together with the twins. "You're not truly bothered by that stalker." 

She smiled sheepishly. "Am I weird?" 

"Maybe naive and kind of stupid." 

She pout but she honestly did not feel scared. "What if that man is really Hunter's twin?" 

They groan once more. "Oh please. Not again." 

"You could pass as a scriptwriter." 

She giggled. "Come on, it's possible." 

They rolled their eyes. "Yeah, whatever." 

After they buy her gift for Lauren, the two separated ways from Bella and as she entered her car, she inhale deeply when that man entered her mind again. She really wanted to know who that man is. Then her phone rings and she smiled to see Hunter's name. "Hey, hubby." 

"Where are you?" 

"On my way home already." She said as she started to drive out of the parking lot. 


"How are the twins?" 

"They were quite handful today." 

She giggled. "I'll see you soon." 

"Be careful on the road." 

"I will. I love you." 

"I love you too, baby." 

After the call ended, Bella concentrated on driving until she saw a bake shop and decided to buy something for Hunter. While choosing a cake, she felt a presence on her side but she didn't glance as it could be another customer. She continued checking every cake until she finally found one. When done paying, she went out of the shop and hurriedly walk towards her car but since she is in a rush, she found herself got tripped and she gasped then tried to balance herself but it's too late already. Good thing before she even kiss the ground, someone from her back grabbed her waist and helped her to get steady. "Oh my God." Then she turned around. "Thank---" She didn't finish as she gasped again to see who helped her. "It's you!" 

The mystery man smiled. "Be careful." 

She found herself staring dumbfounded at him. He really does have strong resemblance with Hunter. "Who are you?" 

"It doesn't matter. Just be always careful. Your husband wouldn't like to see you get hurt." Then he started to walk away. 

"Wait!" But he just continued walking until he vanished from her sight. She sigh then get inside her car and inhale deeply. Who is that man? 

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