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For the past weeks, Bella was simply happy because of Hunter. He seems bringing out the best of her and she really felt good about it. Despite of his awareness about her grandmother's disapproval of his relationship with her, she felt that he doesn't know about it. Everything is going okay between them and though she hoped that it will stay the same, there will definitely problems and she prayed that they'll going to stick with each other until whenever.

"You sure that you don't want me to accompany you inside?" Hunter asked her as they stopped at the side area of the building of her doctor's clinic office. Today is not supposed to be her scheduled appointment with Doctor Kim who is no longer just a doctor to her, the doctor eventually became an older sister like to her. But Doctor Kim will be out of the country starting tomorrow and will only be back after New Year.

She shakes her head. "I'll be fine. You can go around, I'll just message you once I am almost done."

He seems he wanted to argue more but he instead kissed her forehead. "Alright."

She only smiled then she exited his car. After a while, she entered the building until she reached the room of her doctor. "Good afternoon."

Doctor Kim smiled. "Oh hello Bella, sorry to make you come early than your normal appointment.

She smiled back. "It's okay."

"How are you doing?"

"I am good." Then her face flush when the doctor smiled teasingly at her. "What?"

The doctor laugh softly. "You looked like a woman in love."

Her face flush more. "I am with someone already."

"Really? That's good to know. Who is he?"

"His name is Hunter, we already knew each other before because his mother was an acquaintance of Mom but we just really got a chance to know each other only months ago."

"And what is your grandmother's opinion about your relationship with him?"

She pout. "She doesn't like him but she didn't say it while I was around."

Doctor Kim chuckled. "As expected. Your grandmother still not giving up on meddling with your life."

She sigh. "She only wanted the best for me."

"Yeah but she seems to forget that you can already decide on your own."

She smiled warmly. "I am not losing my hope that eventually, Grandma Vita will accept him."

"I hope so too." Then Doctor Kim inhale deeply. "Ready for your session now?"

She just nodded. For the next moment, Bella got under physical examination until she is done. "How was it?"

Doctor Kim looked at her with a serious face. "Well, I can now say that your hormonal imbalance is now cured. You can now continue having your menstrual cycle without a need of this contraceptive injectable but do you still remember the major possible side effect of this treatment?"

Bella's chest pound hard upon realizing that she almost forgot about it. Oh boy. "Getting pregnant will be very hard." She whispered. It really slipped out of her mind.

Doctor Kim smiled gently. "That's correct and since you have a man in your life now, I wouldn't be surprised that somehow, you pictured yourself about being a mother in the future."

She suddenly felt a lump in her throat. "What does the result shows? Am I totally barren now?"

"Of course not." Then Doctor Kim inhale deeply again. "But I need to be frank to you, your chance of getting pregnant is slim. According to your result, the chance is about thirty to forty percent. " Oh God.  It did not even reach the half of percentage. She now feel wanting to cry like a river. Why is this happening? "To explain it in layman's terms, the walls around your cervix thicken so if in case you will have sex with your man, his sperm cells won't have an easy way to meet your egg cells and if some of his cells were able to go through the cervix, there is a higher chance that they'll still die immediately."

She bites her lower lip. "Do I need to take some medication if I wanted to get pregnant?"

"Actually, you can but it still doesn't guarantee anything."

Tears started to form in her eyes. She and Hunter were sometimes randomly talks about having a big family. "What am I going to do now?"

Doctor Kim face softens. "I am a doctor but sometimes too much medication is not naturally good with our bodies so to me personally, you just have to keep your faith on that percentage chance." Then she grasped Bella's hands. "Don't feel down about it. I have other patients with the same case as you. Though some of them really failed, still, some of them believed that they'll have their own baby even it took them too long. So have sex as much as you can especially on your unsafe days. Who knows? Maybe you'll end up getting pregnant as well."

"And if I won't?"

"Others considered adoption but before anything else, talk to your man about this. He should be aware. Some of my patients didn't so they ended up breaking with each other."

Oh God. Bella can't even imagine herself being away from Hunter.

As she exited the building, he is currently leaning at his car located at the side. Is she ready to tell him? Her head and heart immediately replied: not yet. So she calmed herself while talking towards the car and when he turned around, she plastered a happy smile. "Sorry to keep you wait."

He grinned then grasped her back and pulled against him. "You are always worth waiting."

Her face flush while feeling her pounding chest. "Let's have early dinner." Then she grinned. "My treat."

He smirked. "It seems everything went well."

She giggled, trying to hide the sudden pain she felt. "You could say that." Then she looped her arm with his. "So where do you want to eat?"

He only chuckled. Later on, they reached an Italian restaurant. After they ordered, Bella excused herself to the comfort room. As soon as she gets inside, she inhale deeply many times then entered a cubicle. She just sit up when she felt some women entered.

"See the alone guy at the corner table?"

"Oh yes! The guy in Saint Laurent's clothes?"

Bella clenched her fists. Because that's Hunter they are talking about. And these bitches knew fashion.

"Yeah! He looks so good!"

"Is he really alone?"

"I don't think so. He looks like he is waiting for someone."

"That's too bad."

"True. He looks like he is great in bed."

That almost made Bella to go out and shout at the bitches. She calm herself and when she felt that they left, she went out from the cubicle and looked at herself in the mirror. After some of freshen up, she went out and on the corner of her eyes, she saw group of women and most probably they are those bitches at the comfort because she felt their gazes so as she walk towards Hunter, she smiled happily at him and rejoiced deep inside when he pulled a chair for her. "Thank you."

He smirked. "You looked gorgeous."

Her face flush. That's so sudden. Well, he was always like this. Always surprising her. "I did not do anything with my face."

He grasped her hand on the table and looked playfully at her. Like he was examining her. "Is that so? You really looked good."

"Stop teasing me." She could feel redness all over her face.

He only laugh softly. As they eat, they talk randomly and he obviously avoid asking about what happened to her check up. She was really felt grateful because of that. But she knew that he'll ask when he gets the chance. She'll just deal it with later. After they eat, Bella phone rings and she frowned upon seeing Skylar's name on the screen. 

"Holla Bella!" But it's Brooke's voice. "Can I talk to your lover boy?"

She frowned. "What you two are up to?" She asked as they started to walk outside of the restaurant.

Brooke laugh. "Nothing! Just pass your phone to him."

She sigh then handed her phone to him. "Brooke wants to talk to you."

They stopped outside of his car as he accepted the phone. "Yes, Brooke?" He chuckled. "Not anymore. I changed my mind. Annabella is mine today." Her face flush upon hearing it then he chuckled again. "Yeah. We will be there."

"What did she say?" She asked when he returned her phone to her.

"Apparently, your friends are going to join Blake and Devin tonight."

She got startled. "Really?" She knew that his friends are going to attend a nightlife like event but he declined because of her appointment with her doctor and it's their special day today.

He open his car's door at the passenger side. "Yeah and they wanted us to join too."

She pout as she seated and wait for him to seat as well. "Why doesn't Brooke just talk to me directly? And why you agreed anyway? It's supposed to be just us today."

He smirked then grasped her hand. "I was about to ask you but your friends seems too excited. Let's end our first month anniversary with having fun. But if you don't want to. We can just go somewhere."

She bites her lower lip. Yeah, it's already been a month since her birthday so it only means that Christmas is just in few weeks. "It's okay. Let's go to that party. What theme this event has?"

When he smiled mysteriously, she knew that it is not just a simple party. "It's a Christmas party theme." And she somehow doubted that.

Later on, they reached a private property and Hunter just showed his specialized The Fortress card then the guard in charge let them gets inside. "Wow." Annabella can't help but to be amazed when the car stopped in front of a mansion like house. "Who own this house?"


She gasped as she stared dumbfounded at him while he leave the car and walk to her side. "Are you being serious?" She asked as he guided her to exit from the car.

He chuckled. "Yeah."

"Why you didn't tell me that you owned this kind of property?"

He scratched his head then smiled sheepishly. "I am not really into showing off all my assets and liabilities."

She pout. "But I am your girlfriend! At least tell so I won't be surprised like this."

He laugh. "Alright. Sorry for that. But I really didn't mean to hide it. I am going to tell you about everything in due course."

She snorted then looked around as they started to walk towards the door. "There are luxurious cars parked outside but can't see any single person, where are these people?"

His grasp to their entwined fingers tightens. "They are somewhere in this house. I bought this property because The Fortress normally throw parties whenever there is special occasions like Christmas, New Year, Valentine's Day, something like that to cater any clients but these parties are private events. I really don't like it to be known by public. Based on the news we heard, other night bars experienced chaos whenever the parties are being known by public so it's Blake and Devin's task to ask who are the people needs to be invited."

That startled her. It seems these parties are already a tradition to him. "Then you declined to attend at first because of me?"

He smiled at her. "You are more important than anything."

She sigh as they stopped in the middle of house. "You don't need to sacrifice everything because of me. I will understand if you'll just tell me." And yet she is hiding something from him.

"But you are not comfortable in going to parties like this and I wanted to be with you as much as possible."

She cupped his face using her free hand. "Then next time, tell me. I can accompany you."


She nodded. "Though it will be awkward for me at first but eventually I think I am going to get use to it. It's your life outside our relationship so I also need to learn to deal with it. You don't need to always adjust for me. Understand?"

He chuckled. "Understand." Then he lifted their joined hands and kissed her knuckles. "You are amazing."

She giggled. "I know right." As they both laugh together, she roam her eyes around. "This house seems normal so where those party people are hiding?"

He grinned. "Guess it."

She eyed him curiously then roam her eyes around again. "Since everything seems here are normal, I guess you have some hidden big room or basement."

His grin grew wider. "Come with me."

Then he guided her until they reached the dining area of the house and she gasped lightly as when he opened a door after passing the kitchen, she is hearing a loud music. "So there is really a basement."

He smirked. "Yeah. This house was actually like a hotel so when they feel they cannot go home, they'll just go to their designated room."

She got startled. That explains the elevator. Well, the house has five floors. "How many rooms are in here?"

"Twenty rooms. There are five big rooms in every floor. So the fifth floor belongs only to me. It only has one room and one large pool that can also be used by others. But this is a self service type of hotel. There are no staffs as every room was fully furnished. They'll find anything they wanted at the room. They can even use this kitchen because everything was inside the refrigerator and we just hired some people to clean everything once everyone is out."

"Wow." So these things really existed. This is like a modern type of dormitory. "So everyone down there is not only female?"

He nodded. "These parties are the other business that The Fortress catered. But every party was not that crowded. We really only servicing the people we think that will help us to grow the business."

"You are really business minded person, huh."

His eyes glow. "I need this kind of investment for our future." Upon hearing it, her heart tugged in loneliness and it seems he sensed it as he lifted her chin. "What's wrong?"

She shakes her head. "I just realized that I should also try to work on some other investment."

"You don't need to do that. Just stick with your cat shelter. I can't afford you to loss time for me because you have other businesses to manage."

She pout. "But you are like that already."

He frowned. "Am I not spending enough time with you?"

"That's not what I meant. I mean you already have many properties and investments, why can't I do the same?"

He pinched her nose. "Because you are going to mother our future kids. We wanted minimum of five, right? That's a hell lot of investment."

That instantly made her body stiffens. "Yeah."

"Hey..." He cupped her face and looked at her seriously. "There is something wrong, right?" When she shakes her head, he sigh then closed the door going to the basement and pulled her towards the elevator of the house. She just let him and remain silent as tears already formed on her eyes until she realized that they entered a room. He made her sit a bed while he kneel in front of her then he cupped her face. "What's really wrong, Bella? Did your check up really go well?"

That made her to start sobbing until she cry like a river. "Hunter..."

All her negative emotions that she tried to hide after her appointment are now starting to eat her alive.

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