Chapter 2- You Don't Mess With The Emily

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Chapter 2

You Don’t Mess With The Emily


I would have punched him, I swear, I promise, I swear on Lord Voldemort’s  non-existent nose I would have if not for my brain stopping me from doing so. He had the nerve, the audacity to kiss me in front of half of the senior class and smirk after that. How pathetically downright cheap could he be? Kissing a girl just because she hasn’t been kissed even once and it’s her eighteenth birthday, that is something no girl would tolerate. No girl like me for that matter. And even after that, he has the stupid confidence oozing off of him and he stands in front of me like it’s the greatest accomplishment of his life. For the life of me, I would have cut his balls off and fed them to hungry cannibals right now. But Zachary Davidson, was not someone you handle with anger, or aggression. He needs to be taken care of differently.

I don’t know how I turned out to be smart in a matter of seconds after he kissed me, but I’ve already started planning to get his brain right in my mind. I’m going to tame this obnoxious dog and get him down to his knees begging for forgiveness for what he has done to me. Don’t tell me I’m over-reacting, no, this isn’t right. He has absolutely no right to come up and kiss me just for the heck of it. He cannot just do that, its a pathetic way of proving himself a desperate guy who wants just to use girls and throw them away like trash. He’s going to regret doing this, this isn’t over.

When he pulls away, leaving me ther standing in shock all I can do is stare at him silently. I don’t notice Beth furiously walking up to me, and standing beside me, glaring at Zach. I only get to process what’s happening when she punches him square in the jaw making him jump back in surprise. I can’t help but do a victory dance in my head. Go Beth, go Beth, go Beth. Imagine me doing that in a sing-song voice. If anything, I’vejust ended up loving Beth a lot more now. She did what I wanted to, and now I’ve also had him punched and I’m gonna get revenge for all that he has done.

Emily Winters, you are a smart bitch.

“How dare you? How dare you even touch my friend? What the fuck do you think of yourself, just because you’re a player and a guy who has girls falling at his feet doesn’t mean you can go around kissing people just because you feel likeit. Nobody gave you that right, you can’t do stuff like that. Understand?” She says, fuming as she steps ahead of me, shooting daggers through her eyes at Zachary and at this moment all I feel like doingis cheer for Beth, she’s one heck of a best friend. In your face Zach!

All he can do is stare back in horror. Haha, I can hug Beth for doing this right now.

“Jerk.” She mutters, when it’s silent all around and grabs my arm, dragging me away from the crowd. Zach doesn’t say anything, and slowly the crowd disperses, as Chanel joins us on our way to her car. Beth grumbles something about guys being total jackasses and I agree with her, I completely do. Zachary Davidson was the definition of jackass. An inconsiderate jackass to be precise.

“I am so going to kill him. Why didn’t you retaliate Em? You should’ve slapped him immediately,” Chanel says, as we get seated into her car.

“Chanel, she was shocked. The jerk caught her off guard,” Beth replies, getting into the passenger seat beside Chanel while I sit in the back, looking out.

“Are you okay?” Both of them turn to me as Beth asks,and I manage a weak nod with a smile before looking outside again. The thing that upsets me is that I had to give away my first kiss to someone I hate, someone who does not deserve to have that. And the worst part is, Jay was there. He saw it all, and if I had a chance with him(which isn’t really possible) I don’t anymore I guess. Why couldn’t he have my first kiss? Or anyone else for that matter, why Zach, why the boy who has been nothing but trouble in my life since ten years?

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