Chapter 14- Return of The Declared Date

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Chapter 14

Return of The Declared Date

So having Zach lie to me about his stupid hangover and not so existent fever-ish health, wasn’t something I was in a peachy mood about. It did piss me off but then what I did wasn’t acceptable either. It was good that he settled himself on the curb outside and didn’t get much sick, but if not for my incredible case of irresponsibilty and absent minded brain, none of this would have happened. I wouldn’t have had to take care of him and could’ve gone with Jay, on a ‘hang-out’. Let’s not joke with each other and be completely frank that it certainly wasn’t a hang-out. It was totally going to be something more.

Even if none of us said that it was a date, it didn’t really change the fact that it completely was. Because dinner and a movie completely declares in bold letters that it is a date. We can’t be that stupid. After the encounter with Zach where I argued with him and it went like this...

Zach : No need to be so pissed off. I was still under the hangover and it totally was as bad as being sick.

Emily : Yeah and it wasn’t my fault you got drunk! You shouldn’t have had to drink this much then none of this would have happened.

Zach : Don’t blame me about it. You were the one that damaged my reproductive organ!

Emily : That wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t such an ass.

Zach : I gave you a hug even after you kicked me in the balls and left me to rot in hell outside the house!

Emily : If you hadn’t dragged me to that stupid party I would’ve been perfectly fine inside the house and you could do whatever the hell you wanted to.

Zach : Stop being such a bitch about it.

Emily : I will when you stop being a complete and total dick.

Jay : Wait, he gave you a hug?

Emily : (groans in frustration) It didn’t mean anything!

Zach : Hugging for five minutes straight doesn’t mean anything. Yeah right. ( scoffs)

Emily : (wishes for the ground to open up and swallow her whole) It wasn’t five minutes.

Jay : Why did you let him hug you?

Zach : Because I’m a good hugger. (shrugs)

Emily : That’s not even a word you idiot.

Jay : You hugged him.

Emily : Oh my god Jay just relax. It was nothing!

Cole : Dude, it’s fine. She’s a kissy huggy person, she hugs everyone. Even if its someone she hates and kicked balls of.

Zach : Yeah she is a bitch to me but she loves me. (smirks)

Emily : Shut the hell up jackass.

Beth : You guys need to stop talking about my best friend like that or I’m going to roast your balls and feed them to hungry lions.

Emily : Thank god for Beth!

Zach : I’m getting out of here. (walks away)

Jay : I need water. (goes to the kitchen)

Emily : Wait Jay(follows Jay)

Okay well that about sums it up. So now I was following Jay to the kitchen where he was filling a glass with water. I walk up to him and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear nervously.

“I’m fine Em, it doesn’t bother me that you hugged Zach. I was surprised is all,” he says, shrugging.

Though I’m thankful he broke the silence, it doesn’t help that he isn’t making eye contact with me. I don’t blame him really. After kicking a guy in the balls I end up cuddling with him on the sofa, that isn’t something I would expect a potentially likeable guy to witness for me. It would rule out the option of us ever going out again.

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