Chapter 13- The Not so Innocent Bad Boy

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Chapter 13

The Not so Innocent Bad Boy

If you thought Jay declaring us out on a date wasn’t enough, then you haven’t heard of his new technique. After knowing him this week, I have come to realise that he can be a total manipulative ass sometimes. That doesn’t change the fact that I like him, no. I still have a major crush on him which refuses to go away how much ever hard I try. Or maybe I’m not trying at all. Kicking Zachass in his precious jewels and walking out of the dreaded closet like  a boss wasn’t anything less than fun in my opinion. I mean sure Chanel gave me a look of pure unadulterated disapproval but inside I was happy dancing.

The poor girl who wouldn’t be able to be a mother because of Zach would be my fault but then hey, nobody says he hasn’t gotten a lot of ladies walking around with a big round tummy, right?

We’ve been sitting here playing seven minutes of heaven after Zach and I walked out of the tiny stupid closet ten minutes ago. He rushed to the kitchen and got an ice pack for his ahem, ‘things’ and sat there with his legs covered with a cushion. Did I tell you that sight was absolutely hilarious? Apart from the fact that I concealed my laughter so much I was afraid my stomach would burst out, it did make me wince seeing him walk around like a giant boulder had smashed itself on the centre of his universe.

Stuff like that had to hurt. But who cared, I was content with myself since Jay was sitting next to me and gave me a thumbs up for doing what I did. But he also gave a grimaced look when I told him how bad it was. That made him want to question his seat right next to me.

“I won’t kick you unless you do something remotely close to what he did. So you can relax,” I tell him, smirking.

“So about that thing I asked you before you came out of the closet...” he trails off and i turn to him with a horrified look/

Did he just say coming out of the closet?

“I mean that-oh god no no no not that way but I mean when you went into the closet and then came out of it...Okay it still sounds bad enough,” he says, hanging his head.

I chuckle and pat his back in a consoling way and he looks up with a sheepish look. Did I mention he looks really cute? No? Well then can’t you just figure that out by yourself? He’s friggin’ cute. Like body of a god cute. Okay that did not make sense at all.

“So whatever, about that thing I asked you. Are you upto hanging out with me tomorrow?” He says again, raising his eyebrows.

“Just hanging out? Not a date?” I ask him, boldly.

Where the hell did that come from?

“Yeah if you want it to be just hanging out then I’m up for that. Or if it’s a date then I can deal with that too.” He shrugs, smiling.

Can  I just say I have a big crush on this guy? Or probably you already know that and will skin me alive if I mention it again. So yeah, I like him!

“I can go with hanging out for tomorrow,” I tell him, returning the smile.

“Really? Awesome.” He grins even wider.

I wonder if his face will split  into two now, well we certainly don’t want that. I turn to look at the others who are busy playing the game and another couple walks out of the closet. Well we won’t settle to argue on the fact that the words ‘come out of the closet’ sound totally wrong. My eyes snap to Zachass when he gets up and walks out to the balcony muttering something about fresh air. I have this sudden urge to follow him outside and tell him he can stay out of my life for some time but then Jay pulls me into another round of conversations.

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