Chapter 17- I Can Dance Well Motherfreaker

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Chapter 17- I Can Dance Well Motherfreaker

My head was blasting off like a freaking volcano. It felt like someone was hitting on the inside using five hundred and ninety nine sledge hammers. I couldn’t even stand up straight and Beth was trying to make me hold my legs on the floor as I struggled to reach the kitchen and sit on the chair. Whatever happened last night was a blur. I remembered a few things but others, just a distant dream sort of thing that I don’t even think I want to talk about. The only thing I totally remember is the foggy vision of me sitting on Zach’s lap. But that wouldn’t be true now, would it? I was completely stoned is what Beth tells me while she pushes a cup of black coffee in my direction.

“You and Jay broke up,” she says, sitting in front of me. I spit out the coffee I am drinking. Half from the bitter taste and half from the shock that is revealed to me right now. Jay and I broke up? What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?

“What the...” I trail off, staring at her. She begins telling me what exactly happened the night before. So from what I hear, it all went like this...

When I accidentally spilled coffee on Zach’s pants and Jay asked why he peed, Zach had gone over to tell him that he and I almost kissed. After that, the fight that was left in the school had resumed and both the boys had ended up with bruised noses and cheeks and what not. I had laughed all the time like a stupid hyena while Chanel was acting as the referee. Cole and Beth tried to pull the two apart but couldn’t do it because Jay almost hit Beth in the face and Cole got mad at that, in turn making him support Zach while he hit Jay square in the face. I was still laughing. And when the whole session was interrupted by my mother yelling on top of her voice, both the boys had shut up. Its surprising what mom’s can do and four other almost adults can’t. Later when the fight was over, Jay had dragged me up to my room and talked to me about something, which I honestly do not have any idea about. After that, as Beth says, he had stormed out of the room and approached a groaning Zach who was in pain. Chanel was nursing his cheek.

“You are free to hit on her, douche. We’re no longer dating,” he had said to Zach and then walked out of the house leaving everyone in shock.

By then, I had already passed out in my room.

“So basically we had a conversation that I do not remember, which led to us breaking up,” I breathe, sipping the coffee and cringing at the taste of it. Beth nods, sadly.

“You don’t remember anything?” she asks, raising her eyebrows.

I shake my head, no. I don’t remember a thing apart from me sitting on Zach’s lap. Had that led to the fight?

Of course it did you dumbass. Why wouldn’t your boyfriend be furious if you sit on another guy’s lap?

“I need to talk to him,” I tell Beth and look for my phone.

“Not now. Finish the coffee, take a shower and talk to him in person. It’s a Saturday and you can just meet him somewhere instead of creating a scene in school,” she says, grabbing my arm and stopping me.

I let out a frustrated sigh. Why do I always end up doing total crap when I’m high?

“Fine. I’ll go take a shower,” I say to her before finishing the coffee and walking up to the bathroom.


“What do you want?” Jay tells me, giving a bored look.

Since I have absolutely no idea what my fault was and why we broke up in the first place, I can’t help but feel like smashing his head on a wall for being so rude. What did I ever do to him?

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