Chapter 7- One Does Not Simply Mess Up a Date So Awesome

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Chapter 7

One Does Not Simply Mess Up a Date So Awesome

Beth was in shock, or to put it the right way, she almost jumped five feet in the air mentally and stayed there, refusing to come back to the ground. I had to literally get her to blink since she kept staring at a wall without a word. You see the thing is, Beth doesn’t like to date. She is one of those emo-gothic girls who like wearing black a lot and come off as someone who would beat the shit of a guy if he even tried to get at a two feet distance near her. Yes, she’s that brutal.

She punched a guy once, two years ago when he went too far as to pass a comment about her rack, and he had a sore eye after that. He didn’t show up at school for a week. Since then every guy fears Beth. There were even rumours about her killing someone and shoving the body down an alley, saying the person was never found. It was even said that she was part of a gang and she street fights to earn black money and then buy swiss knives to threaten to kill people.

None of them were true.

Beth had just had a bad experience with a guy who turned out to be a downright asshole and since then she made herself so strong upfront that no one tried to hurt her. Her anger and tough personality made people scared of her, which ultimately led to guys staying away so she never tried to second glance at them nor did she even give them a thought. Guys in general were assholes according to her, no matter how sweet they seem. Like she says, and I quote, “Every guy has one inborn quality that no one can change, being an asshole.”

So even if a guy as good as Cole asks her out, she would say no because she her girl instincts kick in and she knows, she just knows that the guy will be one of those morons who don’t give two fucks about girls’ feelings. And the reason she got so shocked was that no guy had even indirectly tried to be interested in her since the last two years. And hearing about Cole, who she thought would eventually end up with Chanel because she was hung up on how extremely hot the guy is, it was even shocking for her.

But Chanel ended up being ecstatic for our best friend who hasn’t kissed a guy in centuries according to her. I just broke the news to them at Chanel’s as we sat for doing some homework together. And since the past five minutes Beth has been quiet, while Chanel goes on blabbering about how nice it would be if Cole and Beth got together. She’s been making romantically cheesiest scenarios about the two of them and by the look on Beth’s face, I can tell that if she was considering Cole, she sure would have to think about it if Chanel didn’t stop squealing like a five year old.

“Okay sweetie, can we just let her talk?” I tell her, and she looks at me with a sheepish expression before settling herself in front of Beth who is busy writing away on her notebook.

“Beth, stop writing,” I give her a flat look and she conviniently ignores me by burying her face deeper into the book.

Rolling my eyes I snatch the book away from her grasp and at the same time Chanel grabs her pencil, throwing it away. Beth throws her arms in the air in exasperation, avoiding eye contact with either of us. Folding her arms, she pouts and rests her back on the couch as we give her stern look which tells her she should start talking or else we’d start stabbing her to death.

“Come on! Tell us what you think,” Chanel finally breaks the silence and Beth sighs.

“Okay he’s cute, no doubt about that...” Beth begins, trailing off.

“Cute? He’s smoking hot!” Chanel says, grabbing a pillow and I chuckle.

“Look Beth, Cole is a nice guy,” I tell her in all seriousness.

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