You don't know what day it is. You don't know what time it is. Hell, you aren't even sure if it's still April. Your father has kept you in this room for a lot longer than you've ever been, and he has not been kind.
You were bloodied, bruised, beaten. You were sore everywhere. You've been kicked around like a rag doll since you got there.
You'd given up hope on ever seeing Kyle and the others again. They probably didn't think you were worth the trouble. That's understandable, of course, because you weren't. You weren't worth anything to them, because they didn't care about you.
No, that's not true. They care about you and they love you and they're on their way to find you. They were probably figuring out something that they could do to save you. Devising this beautiful and brilliant plan to save you.
A baseball broke through your window and hit you in the head. Your father - or rather, torturer - stomped into your room to see you rubbing your aching head. He saw the glass and his eyes lit up in fury. There was a knock at the front door, and he exited your room with a slam of the door.
You quickly threw a thick blanket over the glass that covered your floor and you looked out your window, nearly sobbing at the sight. Kyle and Johnnie were standing at the front door, apologizing for breaking the window. Your father was very calm, saying it was fine and that they could come in while he retrieved their baseball for them. He walked to your room, and opened the door calmly. Kyle was standing right behind him and he grabbed the ball, and you could see fire in Kyle's eyes. Fire at the bruises and cuts and at the fact that he wasn't able to strangle the man - no, demon - who caused them.
Johnnie came running down the hall towards Kyle.
"Hey, Ron," Johnnie said to Kyle. "Our moms are looking for us. We have to go right now or they're going to have our heads." Kyle nodding, thanking my father through gritted teeth, and they left. Kyle looked back at my window for a few seconds as he heard my father erupt in anger.
"You better clean up this mess you wretched girl, or I swear to God I will fucking kill you, he said, slapping you. You yelped, your cheek already in immense pain from previous beatings. You could barely hear Kyle speaking in the distance, "I'm gonna fucking run back over there if we don't get out of here now." And then the sound of running, and then silence, as your father smacked you into a state of nothing.
After you finished cleaning up the glass, you grabbed the biggest piece from the bag, and dragged it across your wrist about seven times. It was something you did before you ran away, and it was something you'd hope never have to do again. But as you were sitting there, you felt as though the blood leaving the shallow cuts on your arms were your problems, slowly leaving you. It was soothing to you, but you knew it was wrong.
It was and entire night and day before Kyle came back, this time with Bryan. They didn't knock on the door, they instead crept up to your first story window and whispered your name until you woke up. By the time they got to you, you had tripled what was on your arm, twenty-one small cuts dragging across your arm.
"Y/N, please wake up," you heard Bryan whisper softly.
"I'm awake," you said, moving over to the window. "Thank God you guys are here. I was giving up hope."
"We wouldn't leave you behind like that," Kyle said. "Now can you open your window?"
"It's got a lock," I said in monotone.
"That's fine, we found a few keys for locks on the side table by the couch. Try them until you can figure it out." You tried the first three, and fumbled and dropped them as you were about to use the fourth one. You all went silent as you heard your father's bed creak.
"Y/N!" he yelled, running to your locked door. "Open this door right now!" You found the right key, taking off the lock and sliding the window open. He broke a hole in your door as you were climbing out the window. He unlocked the door and opened it, yelling and rushing to the window as he saw you three running away. He hopped out the window and took out a knife, jumping at your foot and tripping you. You scrambled back to your feet before he did, wincing at the cut he put on your calf. You three got into Bryan's already started car and hauled ass away from your father.
Bryan turned down several streets, just in case your father tried coming after you guys, but he didn't. You guys were home free.
Kyle began wrapping up your leg with some gauze and an ACE bandage. As he did so, you began to cry. You cried and tackled Kyle down on the seats and you cried harder when he wrapped his arms around your and held you close.
"We are never leaving you alone like that ever again," Kyle said softly in your ear. "I'm going to be there with you whenever I can and when I can't, expect a Skype call." You nodded, your eyes growing heavy. You felt Kyle sit you up and put you in a seat belt, buckling himself up and allowing you to fall asleep on him. And you did.
Because you knew that you were safe at last.
Okay, so this is the third and last part of this gorgeous little Kyle series, and I'm sad to see it go. Hell, as soon as I finish my super secret surprise for you guys I'm gonna start on one.This oneshot was shorter than a few that I've written, but it's longer than most of them, and for that, I'm happy. I've actually never been more proud of any of my oneshots like I am with this last part.
I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it.
Yours Truly,
Andromeda Leigh Barnett

My Digital Escape One Shots
FanfictionA collection of MDE X Reader one shots. Send in a request if you want one done for you or if you have a prompt. (SLOW UPDATES. MAY OR MAY NOT GET BETTER DEPENDING ON MY LAZY ASS)