B/S means brother/sister not bullshit. Please do not confuse the two.
You were happier than you could ever be. You were incredibly lucky to be the older B/S of the one and only Alex Dorame. You couldn't help but squeal when she told you the news.
"One of our merch guys broke a leg and an arm in a BMX race last night," Alex said dreadfully.
"It's just one merch guy, how bad could things get?" you asked obliviously. She shot you a look.
"He was in charge of making sure that all of the merch stands were in functioning order and had enough merch stocked in them. If any stand lacked any of the requirements, he would call a team of people to fix the stand, or he would get his assistant to get another box of the merch that the stand lacked. The only other person that could take his job would be his assistant. But then his assistant would need an assistant." An idea popped into your mind.
"I could be the replacement assistant," you suggested. Alex's dreary mood immediately went away, a cheerful smile gracing her lips.
"Really? I mean, you won't really have to do too much. Just run out to the truck to get more band tees and use a little walky-talky thingy to get the work crew to fix the stands. Simple."
"Sounds like fun."
"And you'd get to ride the tour bus with us! I mean, normally you'd have to ride on one of the other buses with the other merch people but since we're related and we'd have an eighth bunk anyway, why the hell not?! I'll go call Johnnie." She darted out of the room, then popped her head back in.
"Go pack, dumbass!" she yelled.
You yawned loudly, causing Alex to yawn, causing Johnnie and Kyle to yawn, causing Shannon and Jeydon to yawn, causing Bryan to yawn. You were all cramped onto the main tour bus, headed off to your first destination. You all desperately clutched a coffee in your hands, the odd Monster can being sipped out of before being washed down with more coffee.
"I want to fucking sleeeeeepp!" Jeydon complained, flopping across you and Alex. His head was in your lap. You lifted his head and put one of the random sofa pillows underneath his head. He opened his previously closed eyes and smiled. "Thank you." He said it as though he were a toddler, finally given the toy they hadn't been able to get from the store earlier that day. You rolled your eyes, beginning to mess around with his strange mop of hair. You giggled as you heard him begin to snore.
"Alright guys, what's the plan for the first show?" Bryan asked tiredly. Johnnie yawned, pointing to a table on the other side of the sofa he, Bryan, and Shannon were on. Bryan grabbed it and began to flip through it. He started to talk about the show, so you yanked the pillow out from under Jeydon's head and began to violently wack him with it until he woke up. You got up off of the couch and went to your bunk. Jeydon took your seat, his seat taken by Kyle. You climbed onto my bunk and laid against the mattress, pulling the blanket over yourself. You were so close to falling asleep when you heard an obnoxiously loud snore. You sat up and got off of your bunk, pulling the curtain back on the bunk below yours. Jordan was laying there, sound asleep.
He looked adorable, to say the least. His normally flawless hair was in a tousled mess, and his lanky body was curled into a big spoon position, the little spoon position taken up by Mojo the Monkey. You couldn't help but giggle, run out to the front of the bus and grab a Sharpie, yanking Alex out of her chair and telling her to open Snapchat. The rest of MDE decided to follow, each of them opening their own respective Snapchats. They all filmed as you doodled dicks, moustaches, unibrows, a gross goatee, and sideburns on the poor sleeping angel.

My Digital Escape One Shots
Hayran KurguA collection of MDE X Reader one shots. Send in a request if you want one done for you or if you have a prompt. (SLOW UPDATES. MAY OR MAY NOT GET BETTER DEPENDING ON MY LAZY ASS)