The tour was going quite well. It was nearly over, just four more stops. You and Kyle had actually talked quite a bit, and you had the slightest crush on him. Well, kinda... sorta... completely head over heels for the guy. Bad news, Jordan was completely and obviously head over heels for you.
The nine of you checked into a hotel. Three people per room. Shannon, Tyler, and Robbie in one room, Johnnie, Jeydon, and Bryan in another room, then you, Kyle, and Jordan in the last room. Fun.
Jordan had pulled you into a different elevator than everyone else to talk to you, clicking three other floor numbers. You were worried as fuck that he was going to try to make a move on you.
"Listen, Y/N, I just wanted to tell you that I'm glad we've grown so close since we met." You nodded nervously. "And I've wanted to tell you how much you mean to me. I'd say you're my best friend, but I honestly hoped we'd be more." Hoped, as in past tense? "But it's obvious that you like Kyle. I can respect that, I can deal with it, but I'm going to warn you about him. He's been horrible to every girl before you. I've tried to talk to him, to tell him he better not try to hurt you, but he always said he wouldn't. He said it in a really genuine way, though, which confused me. He didn't roll his eyes, he didn't sigh dramatically. He looked me right in the eyes and, with a straight, serious face, said, 'I'd never dream of hurting her.' And I believe him. So I'm sleeping in Shannon's room. They won't mind, besides, I doubt Robbie wants to third wheel. Just don't tell Bryan." He winked as you reached your floor. You smiled, kissed his cheek and rushed out of the elevator and towards your hotel room.
You opened the door and walked in, turning on the lights and throwing your bag and the bed furthest from the door. The other bed could be Kyle's, obviously. He walked in as you sat on your bed and took your shoes off, throwing his bag on the ground next to his bed.
"Where's Jordan?" he asked in confusion.
"He is sleeping in Robbie's room tonight. For reasons, I'm sure you're aware of." Kyle's face flushed, and he seemed to have lost his cool demeanor.
"I see."
"Are we going to talk about this? Or just ignore it until it's too late?"
"What would you like to talk about?" You moved your bag and allowed him to sit down. He was close, your knees touching.
"What do you think?" He remained silent. "Do you like me or not?"
"Y/N, I'm absolutely in love with you and everything you are."
"Kyle, I'm in love with you too." He seemed relieved to hear you say it.
"Will you do me the pleasure of being my girlfriend?" he asked quietly, a slight blush dusting his cheeks. You smiled.
"Of course." He seemed overwhelmed with joy, and you pressed your lips to his gently. He kissed back immediately, his lips pressing hard against yours as he deepened the kiss.
He disconnected from your lips and kissed up your jaw and down your neck until he reached your collarbone. You moaned quietly as he began to kiss and suck on the spot, his hands holding your waist tightly.
*This is where things get saucy guys. Don't read it if you don't think you can read this shizz*
He continued to suck on your collarbone, leaving little hickeys. He began to kiss all over your upper chest, his face slowly moving downwards. His hands slid down to your ass, and he squeezed tightly on it. The two of you had worked your way to the headboard, and he pulled you up onto his lap, legs spread over his. He pulled off your shirt and began to kiss your right breast, his left hand reaching up your back and placing his fingers on the clips of your bra. He looked up to you, lips hovering just above your breast.

My Digital Escape One Shots
FanficA collection of MDE X Reader one shots. Send in a request if you want one done for you or if you have a prompt. (SLOW UPDATES. MAY OR MAY NOT GET BETTER DEPENDING ON MY LAZY ASS)